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As weeks passed I came to the conclusion I would never see the handsome man ever again. I usually wouldn't be so worked up about it, I usually mind my business and keep my head in work and nothing more. Yet, he has been roaming around my thoughts throughout the days. With that thought I scowled feeling slightly foolish.

I only met him once ,stop being ridiculous. Now is not the time to think about him.

I unconsciously agreed with myself, now was not the time to think about a man whose first name I didn't even know. With that, I focused on the matter at hand. Covering the old table were bills upon bills. Money along with their respective bill, not one dollar missing. As I counted over the remaining money, I realized that I only had twenty dollars for food and twenty for my mother. I came to the conclusion that I would need a second job; my mother needs and deserves more than just twenty dollars.

As I stood up from the chair I made a beeline to my bedroom. I opened the door and threw myself on the bed nearly missing my head on the bedboard. Laying there made me think of my mom and my other two sisters.My mother's heart throughout the years has gotten worse, since I've left medications, pills, even surgery suggestions were being thrown left and right almost creating a sky-high pile. As for my sisters they have been struggling on their own studying while working to maintain the house and mom. I never finished school, I dropped out in 7th grade. To me, nothing was as important as my mom; I found it easy to sacrifice my life, friends and childhood for her.

Wanting to hear her voice, I took out my box where I kept all her letters and pulled out the most recent one she wrote for me.

"Querida Carmen, te quiero informar que estoy bien y espero que igual estés tu. No sabes cuanto te extraño al día, si hubiera sabido que tenias en esa cabeza nunca te habría dejado irte. Pero igual te pareces a tu padre bien terco, cuando tienes algo en la cabeza nadie te lo quita..Te quiero mucho y espero escuchar de ti muy pronto. Con mucho amor ,Mami."

My mother was always a woman who spoke few words but she always got her message through. Leaving the note on the nightstand next to my bed I layed back on my bed feeling a new and stronger wave of determination coursing through my body. With that thought, I succumb to the dark night.


I woke up the next morning feeling groggy my body fighting desperately for a break, but I refused, I had to look for a new job. Walking into the bathroom I splashed cold water onto my face and began brushing my teeth. Taking my pijamas off I walked in into the shower and began washing my hair and body. About ten minutes later, I walked out feeling like a wet cat. Tippy toeing to my room I dressed into jeans and a simple black hoodie. Once tying my shoes I left my small apartment in search for a new job.

Walking around Manhattan, I found stores upon stores yet none needed help. Feeling frustrated and hungry I decided to walk into a Caffè. Inmeadiatly inside I noticed the place had computers on the far corner. I inmeadiatly made a dash towards it and payed to used them. Sitting down I looked up craiglist and began my search once again. Scrolling through the page I've only found two jobs available as a housekeeper. Printing down the information and taking it with me I sat down in the farthest seat next to the window.
Turning my eyesight to the window I began looking at the people walking by. Men had nice tailored suits accentuating their physique while women had elegant, conservative dresses almost as if made for them. I was brought out of my reverie by a soft cough. Bringing my attention to the sound I found the nice waitress.

"Hello, welcome to Danny's Caffè would you like anything to order?"

"Just a black coffee.", I said timidly almost cringing visibly as I pronounced the word 'just'.

"Okay, your coffee will be ready in sec.", she said with a joyful tone before walking away.

Looking down I began focusing on my hands. They were calloused, scratched and scarred; usually looking at them made me insecure. I always found my hands slightly manly. Throughout the years working, I always wanted my hands to look refined or have them feel smooth to the touch, maybe even have my nails manicured and done to perfection. As I heard steps coming near me I placed my hands under the table and looked up.

"Here's your black coffee miss.", she said placing my cup and the table in front of me along with it a slice of triple chocolate cake.

"Oh.. thank you but I didn't order the cake.", I said looking questionably at her whilst pulling out my wallet.

Suddenly the waitress began to giggle. At first I thought it was because of my accent or my pronunciation but after quickly regaining her composure she explained herself.

"Oh don't worry that cute guy has it covered for you." Pointing to the other side of the room was the devil himself. It was him. Winking subtly she walked away leaving me with my money in hand defenseless to his penetrating eyes. Feeling my face hotter than usual I lifted a corner of my lips to thank him but inmeadiatly looked away.

Well not before taking a peek.

He was wearing all black from his expensive tailored suit to his nicely tied tie. The dark color emphasizing his rich olive complexion and the multitude of tattoos on his neck.


Sipping on my coffee I watched as the blue-eyed man stood up from his chair making his way to the exit. Almost spluttering my hot drink on to the table as he winked and walked out. Leaving me tongue-tied all over again.


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