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I awoke and immediately thought : 'Oh God I'm an Idiot'

I swung myself off the bed ready to run towards the bathroom but failed miserably and landed on the cold, hard floor. Groaning as my face kissed the floor. I lifted myself up unceremoniously and checked the time.

5:25 A.M

I cursed at the sight and made a dash towards the bathroom. I didn't even last ten minutes inside when I ran back out and changed to my uniform.

'I'm an Idiot.'

'I'm an Idiot'

I ranted as I jumped and struggled with the stupid zipper at the back. After the uniform was nice and zipped up I slid to the closet and pulled out my white tennis shoes. Not even a minute after pulling them on I grabbed my essentials and jacket and left through the door.

I ran like my life depended on it, which in a way it did. A girl got to eat.

As I ran and swirled my way through the streets I began to feel worried. Was I lost?
It seemed as if for every turn I took the longer it take to get to work.

'Why couldn't he be slightly poorer and live closer?'

As the mansion came to near eyesight I checked the time almost desperately.

'6:10 A.M'


I was ten minutes late. With that I pumped my legs to run faster till I reached the gates. Still unfamiliarized with the beauty of the mansion I stupidly began to gawk. As I admired the beauty and the edges around the house I noticed a dark figure in front of the window.

Just about when I was about to focus my vision even more I was pulled in with an extreme force. So extreme I yelped.

"Honey don't just stand there, it's freezing outside.", said Ms. Potts as I stood there in slight confusion.

'Ms. Potts had some muscle on her.'

"You are certainly lucky Mr. Coleman hasn't come down. He strongly disapproves of tardiness even the slightest second. He can be quite a pain.", she said reaching up to my face, softly patting my cold cheeks.

"I'm sorry i-it won't happen again. I promise.", I said fairly disappointed in myself as I unzipped my jacket. Finally looking down at my uniform I began to grow a dislike to it.

It was a white collared button styled black dress that reached exactly at my knees. It additionally had white rims along the end of each sleeve; which ended a little past the elbow. Making me look and feel like the stereotypical Mexican-maid whose English sounds like a dying seagull.

In other words..


Lightly scoffing I began my day walking to the magnificent kitchen. A kitchen many would probably die for. Making a bee line towards Ms. Potts I began assisting her with breakfast.

As we came to and ending I noticed how light the breakfast was. Not even I could fill up with that. I stared at the plate ,flabbergasted, it only contained two eggs, two sausages and oven-roasted potatoes.

Turning towards Ms. Potts I stared at her, confusion clearly plastered in my face.

"Is this it?", I asked rising one eyebrow almost cynacly.

She nodded as she rolled her eyes, "Yes, well besides his coffee of course. He's just so untolerably stubborn. I tell him continously that he should eat more but he constantly states it's unnecessary."
As she rambled on she slammed the plate onto the food tray almost shattering it.

"That insufferable child will be the death of me. His frugal, stubborn, stern behavior is going to drive me crazy one day." , the small woman almost growled out. Almost scaring the living day lights out of me. She took out a glass cup and just when she was about to slam it against the counter I took it from her and offered her a careful smile.

"Emm..eh.. Why don't I do his coffee?", I said cautious for her and myself. What if she got a heart attack? 

Her expression changed so suddenly, she was apparently now happy and smiling.

"Sure, he likes his coffee black. No sugar, no creme. Pretty simple. And if you'd like make yourself one." , she said walking away just as she almost through the door she pokes her head out. "Oh please take his food to his office."

Nodding I began making the coffees, working cautiously but efficiently doing my best not to mess anything up. After finishing Mr. Coleman's I began mine which was completely different to his bitter, strong drink. I, on the other hand, liked my coffee sweet. I began to add honey, cinnamon and milk to mine swirling the darkness away with the twirl of a spoon.

After being completely done I began to put both his coffee and his food in the tray. As I was about to twirl towards the door I looked back at my coffee in longing. 'It would be a shame for it to grow cold'

With that thought I brought it along with the tray. And with that I began my journey towards Mr. Coleman's office. After many turns and doubts I found his office. Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door. The hard wood resounding almost as loud as my pounding heart.

"Enter", murmured the deep dark voice. Not doing anything to help my growing anxiety.

I opened the door with my free hand and entered. As I was walking inside I curiously began to observe my surroundings. There was a book shelf along the left side of the room filled with books and on the right side there was a tall table filled with liquor. And in the center of the room there was a table and behind it was a chair with a man sitting on it; his back towards me. Further inspection of the room was interrupted by the dark timber of the man's voice.

"Everything to your liking?", he asked sardonically.

Not willing to respond I began to place his food on the desk. I placed his food near him and as I was about to place his coffee he turned rapidly and took my coffee and turned as if it didn't happen. Not allowing me even the slightest sight of him.

"Noo that's not-", I began but was interrupted once again with the sound of a sputter. After a few moments of silence he regained his posture.

"This isn't my coffee, now is it?", he asked knowing well the answer.

"N-no it isn't, but it's here", I said with my broken English. I made a move towards the other cup however was stopped by his words.

" Word of advice refrain yourself from making similar mistakes like this in the future. You may be dismissed."


"Your services are not needed, however I will call you if you are needed.", he said curtly his back still disrespectfully facing me.

Internally scoffing I turned and left the cold man behind. With my coffee. One he probably wasn't going to drink while I was stuck with his basic black coffe.  Leaning against the nearest wall I began to question if I really needed this job. The image of my mother immediately flew to my head making me shake off my cowardly thoughts. Throwing my head back I decided this would be the rest of my life.


'We were both stuck with something we didn't want however one had the power to change it and the other didn't.'


First encounter with Mr. Coleman!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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