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"Oh shit! I'm so sorry dude!" Stan yelled and started panicking. 
"It's alright, Stan. I'll go change, be right back."
"Wait!" Stan yelled and dramatically threw his hand forward to stop Kyle who had his back facing him and was only like two feet away from him.
Kyle raised an eyebrow and turned his head to look at Stan who was blushing and sweating nervously.
"Can whatever you have to say wait until I change?"
"yeah uh... I just wanted to--"
"ABORT! ABORT MISSION!" Kenny screamed and fell out of the bushes.
Eric ran out and grabbed Stan's arm while screaming,
Kyle nervously looked at his three closest friends. Kenny was rolling around on the ground making police siren noises, Eric held Stan in a headlock while screaming 'Kidnap!' over and over as he shook Stan, and Stan was hitting Eric's arms to make him let go while his face still had vomit all over it.
"Can you please shut up!" Kyle yelled.
The three boys stopped what they were doing and stared at Kyle. Kenny let out one more police car sound and sat up and Eric let go of Stan and stopped shaking him.
"I think I'm gonna-"

Stan threw up again.

"My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!" Kenny blurted out randomly into the awkward silence.
"Did you just quote The Princess Bride?"

Wow, two Princess Bride quotes in one day? Alright, whatever.

Anyway, Stan started laughing then Kenny joined in then Eric and last but definitely certainly surely unquestionably clearly not least Kyle.
So there they were, four besties standing there laughing. One in a creepy black cloak, one laying on the ground and spinning in circles, one covered in vomit, and one just standing normally.
Some people may find this cute and/or heartwarming or something, idk. And I guess it would be, if  they weren't laughing like a bunch of fuckin' high as fuck hyenas that just heard the funniest joke ever told.
While they were laughing like a bunch of crazy people a lady passed by while walking her tiny dog that looked like it should've died years ago.
She stopped to stare in horror at the four laughing teenage boys and quickly picked up her skinny dog with barely any fur left. She covered his hears and talked to him out loud.
"Don't look at them Mister Bitsy, you'll catch their crazy."
And she quickly ran past the house.

The four boys stopped laughing and caught their breathes because they were laughing for a really long time because they probably all went crazy.
"So Kyle--"
"No seriously, I'm gonna change out of this gross shirt."

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