Chapter 3- Demi

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Demi’s P.O.V





“Well, lucky you, I already bought you breakfast!” My dad has always been kind but, ever “Ugh!” I scream as I turn my alarm off. I overslept again! Dance practice really tired me last night. I glance at the clock, and it reads 7:15. School starts in 15 minutes. That’s exactly how long it takes me to shower and fix my hygiene. I send a text to my dad asking him if he could take me to school. He replies with okay. After reading his text, I grab my cherry blossom lotion and soap set, shower pouf, and my shower cap and jump inside the shower. After I spend 15 minutes in the shower and lotion my body, I go back to my bedroom. I trudge into my walk-in closet. It is pretty chilly outside, so I decide on my black unicorn sweatshirt, completely black leggings, and my brown uggs. II have dark  brown naturally curlyy hair, hazel eyes, mixed colored skin ,and I stood at 5’10. I Have all the features of Zendaya. She was my idol!  heard a honk outside so I grab my iPhone 5s off the charger, PINK bookbag, and my keys. I lock the front door and hop into my dad’s all black Range Rover. It was a gift from my mom on their 15th anniversary.

“Morning Dad!” I cheerfully remark.

“Morning D! Did you have any time for breakfast this morning?”

“No, I woke up late. Dance practice last night was torture!’’ My dad chuckled.

since mom left, he’s been even nicer. No, my mom isn't dead. She just decided to walk out on us.


“Hey mom, I was wondering if I could pursue dance as a career one day. I'm actually enjoying it more than I expected.” We were eating dinner at the table like any other night. My dad and twin brother, DeAundre, were also eating.  

“You sure about that? I mean, who would do your chores?”  


I was cut off by my dad. “Are you serious right now, Caroline?  You’re putting chores over your child's future? You ought to be ashamed.” My mom sat there looking stunned as ever that her husband, of sixteen years, for the first time disagreed with her. She was furious as well. “Demitrius, you do realize who you're talking to, right?”

“Did I stutter?” My dad looked the most irritated I’d ever seen him.

“You know what, Demitrius? I should have listened to my family. I should have just settled for someone my race!” Yes, my mom was Caucasian, and my dad was black. But not one day had they ever spoken about each other’s race that way.

“Oh, is that how you have felt all these years? All these sixteen damn years!?” My mom’s previous pale face turned a bright red. She left the dinner table and came back down twenty minutes later with all of her belongings. She reached over to me and my brother and hugged us. It was a very long hug that probably lasted a good two minutes. After that I heard her Cadillac Escalade pull out the driveway, and my mother was never to be seen again.


Ever since my mom left we’ve been struggling financially . She’s always been making more money than my dad since she was a pediatrician. I never in a million years thought that my mom would leave my dad especially  over something as stupid as a future career. Now that its been almost a year since she's left we’ve been use to not seeing my dad as often as we wanted to. My thoughts were interrupted by dad’s booming deep voice. “We’re here. Have a great day sweetie. Love You!” “Bye, Love you too!” I got out the car and started walking towards my locker. to meet the rest of my squad. Hopefully today was going to be a good day.

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