Chapter 8- Sasha

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Sasha POV  

Mrs. Adams is a young woman, maybe in her early thirties. She has long, wavy,fiery red hair that reaches down her back. She seems to have a warm personality, but what Scarlet told me buzzes in my head. ‘My few tips for her is to just do the homework, and stay quiet.’


“Tommy, please raise your hand so Sasha knows where to sit.” She has a very loud, confident voice.


As I spot Tommy raise his hand, he seems like one of those super rich kids. He’s wearing a black, well-fitted suit with a blue shirt underneath, and dark brown shoes. His skin is like mine, maybe a tad lighter, and he has dull green eyes, with gray hovering around the pupil. He has thin lips that are curved into a smile, and his hair styled.


As I sit to the right of him near the window, he takes out his hand.“Hi. Tommy Peters.” I shake his hand, and I learn that his handshake is very firm.


“Sasha DeLuca.” I inform him, giving him a warm smile.


“I love your accent.” Tommy comments.


“Thank you.” I smile again, not sure what to say.


“Okay. I saw you talking to Scarlett Valentine.” He adds a pause. I nod while he pauses, confirming his thoughts.“You should be cautious around her. She can be sweet, and probably the sweetest at our school, but she has a bad side no one wants to be on. Everyone learned that after she completely humiliated Sydney.”


“What did she do to Sydney?” I ask.


As he was about to answer me Mrs. Adams interrupts him.“Sasha, you have come in the middle of the year. You need to pay attention if you want to pass. Tommy, if you continue trying to warn each girl about Scarlett, I will give you a beautiful thing called a detention.”


She’s stern. That’s good. Tommy looks down to his paper, and continues writing the notes on the board, as I soon do as well. When the bell rings, he scurries off. As I get up with all of my things, I see him speaking to someone. He seems furious, and now he seems to be yelling. But no one seems to notice as I observe everyone just walk around.


As I approach, I see he’s yelling at Scarlett, yet Scarlett seems very calm. Actually, she’s smiling. She looks away, and once our eyes lock, she grants me a heartwarming smile, which in turn gives me butterflies in my stomach. Tommy says something which seems to anger her, and I notice he’s pointing at me.


She pushes him against a nearby locker. I run to her side,and I grab a hold of her arm, facing her body to me. Her face softens as we gaze into each other’s eyes.


“Just let him be.” I softly say.


She simply nods, and lets go of Tommy. We began to walk in complete silence to my wellness class, Mr. Sanders’ class.


“I see you met Tommy,” says Scarlett.


“Yeah, what’s up between the two of you anyway. He was like giving me a warning about you. He said something about a Sydney.” My voice, I can hear, has a hint of worry.


She laughs enchantingly. “Sydney Peters. Tommy’s twin sister.”


I’m about to ask about her more questions, but I notice she has stopped in front of a door, which means we are in front of my wellness class.


I lean in to kiss each of her cheeks, and she blushes. Right before I enter class, I hear her mention,“I’ve noticed you only kiss my cheeks. Not saying it’s bad, just thought I should mention it.”


I look back at her golden hazel eyes, and she gives me a sexy smirk before heading down the nearby stairs to the gym. I laugh and blush to myself with her comment in mind.


I walk in and do the same routine; introduce and listen. Mr. Sanders is a tall, slender, and pale man. He has red hair and facial hair. He yells a lot; almost everything he says is more like yelling.


“Class! Listen up! For the last 10 minutes of class, we will be going to the gym to see the juniors play floor hockey, since that will be the next sport this class will be doing!”

Mrs. Sanders yells.


The thought sends butterflies straight to my stomach, remembering seeing Scarlett heading down to the gym with a gym bag on her back. Everyone is getting up and I follow them down to the gym. As we enter, the first person I see is Scarlett. Her team seems to be planning for the next play, and it looks like she’s the team captain, or something ,for the team. They leave the circle, and the team notices us on the sidelines. Scarlett waves at me, and I smile at her.


Other games are going on, so other people in my class went to different games. Most of the class, however, stayed at the game Scarlett was on. I wonder why, but I dismiss the thought.


As the game progresses, I notice how great she is at sports. I wonder if she does field hockey or plays other sports. Her body is very toned. She works out for sure.


Dirty thoughts of her start to invade and conquer my mind. I try to shake it off many times, but I know it’s no use. My dirty thoughts are interrupted with an agonizing scream.

I scramble out of my thoughts, and I look up to see Scarlet. Her divine body is laying on the floor, and people start to crowd around her. I quickly rush over to her side, and I notice I’m biting my lip.                  

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