Story of My Life

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Can five men raise a child? '..

It's all for the media! Not actually happening!

Only 1/5 is adopting, but who?

Up Next: Daughter Direction

Is this adoption even legal?

The day One Direction announced to the world that they were adopting a child. Was a day to for sure hit history books everywhere. In the midst of the world arguing as to whether it is okay for a child to grow up with two moms or two dads, in comes a five-member boy band to set the stakes. The media was crazy!

However, no matter how crazy the matter was. It did, in fact, happen.

I, EmiLee May Direction, am the famous child they adopted. Yea, my last name was changed to Direction. Dumb and cheesy? Well, it's way better than my birth last name: Smith. The boys wanted me to choose one of their last names, or to go with all. But I couldn't choose just one when they were all raising me, and 'EmiLee May Tomlinson Malik Payne Horan Styles' was not happening. So I choose to change it to 'Direction'. Cheesy, yet meaningful.

The band decided they wanted to adopt me after saving me from the foster home I was in. At the time the boys found me, I was being thrown out of a small corner store for stealing. Again.

The first time I stole from this store they let me because they could see I obviously needed the food. But I guess between that time and the next time I stole I was supposed to have put my life together and be in perfect health. However, it was summer break for New York schools. The only time I ate was the free food I got from school. On breaks and holidays, I was lucky to either receive free food or not get caught stealing it.

The corner store owner literally shoved me out the door that day, hard. While screaming for me to never come around again or the "authorities will be called." I landed on my wrist wrong in the fall causing it to break. I was holding my wrist and crying when the boys happened to walk by. Liam picked me up, Zayn asked the owner what was going on, and Louis told the security members that were with them to take us to the hospital.

From there the boys learned my background and took it upon themselves to do anything to get me, and the other foster kids in the house, out of that "home". The foster parents just plainly neglected us, which of course is terrible, but together we kids helped ourselves and got through. We had planned on staying together in the house till the youngest of us was 18, and then move out together. However, the way things turned out was way better than that plan.

The band adopted me because, through all they had done for me and the relationship we grew, they couldn't see me going to any other family. The journey to get me adopted took four months, but it was definitely worth it.

In this family, it's like I'm more of their little sister versus being their daughter. I mean, of course, I am legally their daughter and they have to be that father figure in order to keep me in line, but the boys aren't in some five-way relationship. Therefore, I literally have five fathers. And one day when they are all married, I will have five sets of parents.

Whoa. That seems like a headache. But so is life, so I guess my family situation isn't all that different from the average lifestyle.

August 13, 2014, is when my adoption was finalized.

Flash ahead to 2015 where the number one boy band announces that for 2016 they are going to take a break. No one knows what this means for their child, nor do they care to ask because the fact the band is splitting up is far more newsworthy.

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