Temporary Fix

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It's the end of the week and all media platforms are going insane. One Direction is not only losing a member, but they are going to "take a break" in 2016. Is that even legal? You seriously can't watch or go anywhere without seeing something about the insanity.

Now, Dad's have to finish off the tour, and then create a studio album without Zayn. He was okay with it, well, kind of. There was a bit of a feud, but eventually, it was okay. Dad Zi has returned home and plans on creating some solo songs, or a complete album. I just hope he is happy. It was rare that he was truly happy while touring. The constant go, go, go, gets to you no matter who you are. Seriously, I mean my job is to just travel and go with the flow, but damn it takes a toll on me. I get so stressed my menstrual cycle doesn't even have a cycle.

Speaking of stress though, I'm super stressed (on top of the pile of stress that never leaves) about when I am going to tell dads that I have made a decision. I've told Dad Zi but made him swear he wouldn't tell the others until I was ready to tell them myself. I'm glad I did tell him though because me and him have been texting trying to figure out a schedule for me to see everyone that works with my school schedule.

The first day is August 27th, I, of course, won't be there because the tour will still going on. I could start in the first week of November, but the semester will be mostly over by then. So I will get plenty of time to adjust to my "permanent" living arrangements, and then start school in the spring on January 14th. I will have about two months, but I won't be seeing my other dads until Christmas "break" because Dad Zi thinks it would be best to try out a travel plan when I would be on that break so we can see if it works. I get from December 14th to January 14th. That is a much longer break than I expected, but trying to find a schedule that seems pretty solid, is difficult.

Right now, dads are in some room of this hotel recording some for the album. Wherever we travel to next, they are going to take the recordings to an actual studio to clean it up, but for now, this is all they have. I'm in my own room, bored out of my fucking mind. And hungry. Ugh. I texted Louis about an hour ago to see what the heck I'm supposed to do or eat, and all he said was:

"busy. finish school. eat later."

Glad your daughter is your number one, just not your number one priority! I'm kidding. But I did finish the damn online work and requested for the transcript to be sent to the high school I will be attending. Okay? I've been responsible, now I want to eat my weight in food and be irresponsible. I texted him that right back, and since then I haven't gotten a reply from him or anybody. I decided to get dressed in actual clothes and see if someone, almost anyone at this point, will take me out of this hotel. 

I walk out the door and to my surprise, there was no member of management or security outside my door. To be more precise, there was no one on the entire floor. Now that is rude. I may not be as famous as my dads, but I am just as important. Conceited? Maybe... Besides, I have no fucking idea what room people are supposed to be in. I mean, this entire floor is left to just management and band, but the rooms are not right next to each other. 

I walk down the hall towards the elevator, when the sound of a door opening startles me. I stop and wait to see if this would be a person I ask. 

"Oh hey EmiLee, where are you going?" states the lady.

"I was going to see my dads. What room are they in? I can't get them to text me back." I say while pulling out my phone to make the lie a bit more believable. This is not a nice lady. Well, she is nice, but she is extremely by the book with her job. Not about to ask her to sneak me out into town for food.

"They told me to make sure you stay up here until they are done, then we are all going out to eat." She states back and motions me back to the room I was in. Yea, about that, no.

"Well, seems they told you one thing, and me another. Louis did say that when I finished my online school shit, to come to them and wait till they are done for us to all go out to eat." I remark back with as much attitude as I could.

"Okay, well let me just get a hold of someone down there real quick and we will see about that." She smirks and goes back into the room she came out of.

With that, I dart for the stairs. She said, "down there," and that's how I know they are using a conference room thing instead of a bedroom. Careful with your words lady.

I really, really hate taking the stairs, but that lady left me with no choice. The elevator would have taken too damn long, but I got down to the first floor quick. I waited outside the door for a bit to catch my breath and then walked out into the hallway. I still don't know where my dads are, but I'm sure it's one of the conference rooms with badass looking people standing outside. 

What do you know? I was right. Room 110. On the way to the room, I got some snacks from the vending machine. At the door to the room, the guys outside smiled and let me in. Obviously much nicer than the lady upstairs. 

When I walked in, Niall was in the corner recording, and everyone else was piled on the floor on the opposite side of the room. I just joined the group on the floor and ate my snacks. Dad H stepped out of the bathroom while on the phone.

"Uhh, yea, yea she's down here. It's fine. Thank you. Thank you." He states as he hangs up and rolls his eyes. I give him a confused look and then he replies, "Look I know you don't like Stacy, but be nice to her, please? I hate listening to her bitch about how you were rude and other bull." he asked while taking one of my snacks.

"I can try. But she needs to learn to just answer my question rather than provide useless information. So, no promises."

"Where are we going to eat? These snacks are all I've had today and they aren't going to last long. Also, are we really going out to eat with everyone? Usually, I wouldn't mind, but I really want it to be just us."

"I didn't even know there were plans for everyone to be eating together, but we don't have to go with them. Although, if you truly want it to be just us, then we will have to eat take out, not just out." Dad H replies as he gets up to take Niall's place in the recording corner.

"That's fine with me, can we please?" 

"No problem, is everything okay sweets?" Dad Li says from behind me.

"Why is that a question that gets asked to me on the daily now?" I ask annoyed.

"I've just noticed that there has been a lot put on your plate recently, but if you would like me to stop being concerned, I will." He states back.

"No, I'm sorry. I think I'm just so hungry right now that I'm moody. Anyway, I'm fine. I just want it to be just us. Can we have Japanese?" I say while pouting. Me and Dad Ni are the only ones that actually like Japanese food. The others don't mind it, it's just not their favorite.

"Ugh, I guess." Dad Li says with a smirk.

They record for another hour or so and then call it for the day. During the recording session, I was messaging with Dad Zi about how I planned on just getting the news out of the way tonight while eating dinner, so he helped me practice how I should work the topic into the conversation and what to say. I think this planning and topic, in general, has been the longest and most personal conversation I have ever had with Dad Zi. Don't get me wrong, we are close, he's just not been a person I have come to vent or anything. I usually come to him when I really want to get my mind off things and get away from my life for a while. All in all, this is the first time I've seen Dad Zi as a dad.

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