Caroline summed up

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Way back in o800 cat years, people are still roaming the earth after destroying every planet they can reach and live on.

The 12 big space cat gods are all deciding that the humans were assholes to ruin their planet so they spread an illness onto the cats which basically ends up killing all of the humans.

Back to modern day and we find out this cool white albino cat decided to wrestle a regular cat and she ended up shitting out two 100% edgy design mix cats.

One of those cats called caroline gets triggered and thinks that running away would be a good idea despite being blind, and a toddler.

She eventually gets her shit beaten up by a giant pink maniac bird hybrid which does a shitload of tests on her and gives her wings.

Caroline wakes up half way through her makeup tutorial and gets so triggered she beats the shit outta the bird but gets trapped in a dope time space tube.

She wakes up 373,574,473 years later only to realise that she's full grown.

Everyone she loves is dead.

+100 edgy backstory 

She climbs out this lab thing to get pissed by a cat with anger issues, turns out this cat is part of a tribe

"Man this cat's personality is hot" Caroline thinks, despite the fact that her ass just got beat by said cat.

Whoops the leader of this tribe can read minds and probably thinks your a perv now, well done you horny walking black parade.

Caroline makes her way to her new home to live with the cool kids.

This nerdy ass cat creates technology to stop Caroline from being blind but he has to inject it right into her eyes

 Asterisks windows start up sound asterisks

Caroline can now see

+100 vision

Caroline starts being a tribe cat for 90% of her life, while simultaneously being stalked and haunted by a walking transgender blueberry, a badass feminist dragon cat, and a sea cucumber who's design is as interesting as what I ate for dinner last night.

Caroline starts liking another cat 

Plus one girlfriend

Oops, there's now a massive corruption cloud thanks from the humans and now we can't go to the forest, welp, guess well starve for a few days. 

Never mind, the lion pride is eating our cats anyway. The leader of the tribe decides that she doesn't want more death so she thinks it would be a good idea to face the leader of a pride of bloodthirsty starving lions by herself.

Surprisingly, the tribe leader died.

"Well looks like we have no leader." The tribe cats collectively say at once, while staring Caroline dead in the eyes.

Caroline is crowned queen because she needs to be important because she was ignored as a child. Boom bang, the forest cloud now has thunder and every one has decided that they're going to die.

Caroline walks head first into the forest because looking danger straight in the eyes is sexy a f.

Face gets burned 

Vision 0

She walks around more

Plus two kids

Minus one girlfriend

Caroline now has 2 kids and no one to help raise them

Caroline takes a minute to reflect on her edgy back story 

Caroline finds this cool meteorite rock which causes the giant cloud to slowly fade away

Caroline takes another minute to reflect on her edgy back story

Nerd cat fixes her vision

Vision 100

This other cat called digit gets pissed at Caroline for showing emotion and sends her ass to a strip club, while telling her to take her two kids with her

Caroline then proceeds to take four children to a strip club

Turns out transgender blueberry,feminist dragon cat, and boring sea cucumber work here.

Turns out the sexy cat who beat up Caroline works here.

Turns out digit works here.

Turns out Caroline's girlfriend used to work here.

Caroline meets and faffs about with some gay cats for an hour before leaving her newly found children in a strip club with newly found strangers.

Caroline actually starts being useful, before returning to her kids. Turns out the cat that was looking after them was killed an hour after she left. Digit shows up to pick up her kids from kindergarten only to see blood and shit.

Digit proceeds to scream at Caroline despite her doing nothing wrong.

Caroline does some stuff for a few years

The same cat who killed the babysitter soon goes on a murder streak and kills a lot of dudes.

Caroline, and her tribe obviously, is spooped.

Caroline goes on a patrol to find out who killed mufasa .

The same hot cat who has been taunting her the entire time surprises her with a knife, and slits Caroline throat "I killed mufasa" the cat states, before tearing Carolines wing and pushing her, then flying away and leaving Caroline to fall hundreds of feet to her death.

Caroline dies.

Caroline then meets her family in cat heaven and looks back down to cat earth, only to see the boat load of shit her two adopted children have created.

Caroline is disappointed.

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