First Night Out

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As I peeked around the corner of my house, a little ways down the road, I see Cameron wearing the same thing he wore to Magcon when I first met him. I walked towards him and said "Hello."

"You ready?!"

I ran through a check list outloud. "Wallet... check. Phone.... check. Money... check. Yep! We're good to go!"

Cameron smiled and said "Alright, sweet!"

I scanned around my house to see no cars nor the van sitting there. "And uhm... how exactly are we getting there?"

"Don't you worry about that, sweetheart." Ugh. Why does he have to be so cute! With that god damn smile of his... and his laugh... Shit. I must have dazed off because Cam had to shake me and yell my name a few times.

"Oh! Sorry. What is it?"

"Our ride is here." And below and behold, here drives up Yoshi in a red camaro.

"Is that yours?!"

"Hah, no. It's Taylor's. He said I could borrow it for this."

"How did you-"

"Don't worry about it. Let's go."

We jumped into the car and off we went. I had no clue where we were going but I didn't want to ask. All I know is no matter we go, I'll have the time of my life because we spent the night together. How does Cam even know where to go? Whatever. Cam looked at me and asked " What kind of music so you like?"

"I like any kind of music to be honest."

"Great!" He popped in a CD that heist have burnt himself. The first song to play was "Latch". Cam started to sing along while I danced. After a little bit, we switched roles; I sung as he danced. "Wow"

"What?!" I asked.

"You have a fantastic voice!"

"Well thank you. You have some pretty fantastic dance moves as well."

"Thank you."

We sat in silence for a little bit until I finals asked "So, where exactly are we going?"

"Well, you will find out soon cause we are here." I looked out my window and we were at my favorite Chinese restaurant.

"How did you-"

"Your best friend... remember?"

"Oh yeah haha. That's right."

"You stay right here, I'll go in and get the food." Before I could say no, he jumped out of the car and ran over to the entrance.

In a matter of 3 minutes, he came walking back out. "Hey beautiful. Miss me?" All I could do was giggle. We drove off again, but not for long. We came to what was our "final destination." I looked around to see that we were at the river that runs through my town. Cameron jumped out of the car, ran over to my door and opened it for me. "Thank you, kind sir."

"No problem, my fine lady."

Oh shit, he's smooth.

He grabbed my hand and led me to the dock. He layed out a blanket and lit a candle.

Wow, he's romantic too. Can this get any better?

We sat down to eat and talked about absolutely nothing, we laughed... KT was great. Even though we talked about absolutely nothing, he kept the conversation going. Once we were both finished eating, I walked to the end of the dock and sat down, letting my feet go into the water. Cam walks up being me and stands there for a little bit. "Care to sit down?"

"Oh haha yeah. Sorry. The stars are just so intriguing." As he sat down, he said to me, "You know what? This has been the most fun I have ever had...with anyone. With the boys... I can't talk about nothing and still have fun." I couldn't believe what he was saying right now. "Well, Cam... I'm glad. I just feel like you.. you don't really know me. Sure you know my name but you don't know what my life goals are... what I want to be when I get older... or even what my favorite color is! I really appreciate you coming all the way from California to see me but you really didn't have to." I must have sent him into shock or something because he was absolutely speechless. "Cameron, please say something."

"I...I don't know what to say... I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong."

I gotta uhm.. I gotta go get some air."

What the hell does he mean by that? We're outside? "No, Cameron. Please wait."

Cameron got up and walked down off the dock. "No Cameron. Come back!!"

He continued to walk off into the moonlight until I couldn't see him anymore.

Damn. What the hell did I just do?

A Day With Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now