01/ Things will change

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Hello to all the readers, my name is Shannon and I've just completed my degree in Creative Writing. Tainted Attraction was my dissertation piece and the longest piece of writing I've ever written. I would love for you to share my success with this story, please follow, vote and comment. I would love to hear from you all just what you think, even criticism. Thank you so much for reading this, I hope you all enjoy it just as much as I've enjoyed the almost year I've spent writing it!


This had once been our local. The Bug and Bush had been the home of our many drunken nights, even before they were legal. But tonight, perched alone on a bar stool, it couldn't have been further from what I had remembered. Women in blazers, sipping prosecco and men in tune with the manscaping trend, lingered drinking and laughing in cliques. They were probably fresh out of work, in the professional, high earners sense and slipped into the bar on their way home.

When Kitt had told me where we were heading tonight, I couldn't help feeling apprehensive. I fled this town a long time ago, and seeing any of the old ghosts was something I'd planned on avoiding. Thankfully Kitt was right, and it was evidently clear why. Things had changed. I supposed I'd been gone long enough for life to have shifted sizably around here. Yet, even though it had always been my decision to leave, I couldn't decide whether I liked it.

When the burly ginger approached the bar, I didn't mistake his wandering eyes as they trawled my body. It was a night out, I wasn't dressed conservatively, but that hadn't meant I was offering him the smallest morsel of attention. I was relieved when the barman served him quickly, and he soon disappeared with a tray of drinks. Letting out the breath I hadn't realised I was holding, I drained the glass in front of me before shifting in my seat as I searched the room for Kitt. She had vanished ten minutes ago for a cigarette and hadn't yet returned.

I jumped when a hand touched the exposed skin of my back, I whipped my head around to see the ginger man again. His breath oozed of whiskey and cigarettes, and was hot against my face. It was like fog rolling in off the sea, encroaching over more of my body the longer he lingered. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, trying to put as much space between us as I could without falling off the stool. His heavy hand hadn't left my skin, and it pawed there like a cat kneading its mother for milk.

"Let me buy you a drink? I may not be the best looking guy in here, but I'm the only one talking to you."

"No thanks," I said, avoiding eye contact.

He leaned in closer, seriously encroaching on my personal space. "What's a girl as sexy as you doing alone at a bar."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes to that one. Did he really think sleazy chat up lines would work for him?

"Waiting on someone."

"Looks like you've been stood up, foxy. I can take you home with me, give you a good night."

"I'm not interested." I told him, sternly. I defiantly shifted in the chair, facing the other way in the hopes to successfully deter him from me. "My date stepped outside for a cigarette actually. They'll be back any minute," I told him. I hoped this was enough to have him slither back to where he came from, with the embarrassment of being knocked back by a lone girl on a bar stool.

Finally, his sweaty hand left my back and he began flexing his arms that bulged against the confines of his shirt, although not in a good way. More like, they hadn't had his size so he bought a smaller one, sort of way. How did he think he had a chance with me? I debated the idea of crossing the bar, and seeking out Kitt. But what If I missed her and I was wandering around aimlessly. I figured I would be in more harm from the guy the closer to the door I became.

"Who can resist these guns."

I groaned internally, I needed to escape him somehow and fast.

"Babe! I am so sorry, I had a work call."

A man stepped into my vision, he was tall and muscular with a well-defined face that was lined with stubble. He was downright gorgeous. He would certainly be the guy who would turn my head on a busy street. Yet, I had no recollection of him, so I supposed he was coming to my aid with the ginger, who had already taken a sharp step away from me.

"Who's this. Are you bothering my girlfriend?" His face flared with anger, mock anger I hoped and rather possessively, his arm draped over my shoulders, clinging me to his warm side.

"I'm just leaving," the ginger mumbled. I couldn't help the stubborn smile that flittered onto my face.

"Yeah, you better and do it quickly before I'm tempted to show you how lucky you are for taking your hand off her, before I took your hand off of you."

The ginger gulped, mumbling an apology and skittered off back to his friends. It was early in the night still, and he wasn't overly drunk, but I had a feeling he would be needing a strong drink to forget the warning he had just received. I couldn't help the small giggle that left my mouth, the group, on hearing their friends threatening tale, downed their drinks and skittered off out of the bar altogether. It was clear that the women of The Bug and Bush would be safe tonight.

"You alright after that?" my saviour asked, leaning down so his face was closer to mine. I became aware of the sharp woody tones of his aftershave and his perfectly white teeth that shone as his smiled.

I raked my sweaty hand nervously through my hair. "I think so."

"I saw him from over there, you didn't look comfortable, so I thought I should intervene." He pointed across the room to a group of guys, laughing and chatting around a pool table.

"If you are you alone? You can join us- I mean if you wanted to."

"Errm," I thought about it, I really did. His brown eyes were genuine, and calm. The back of my mind screamed at me to go with him. It was undeniable, I was drawn to him. But my conscious told me to be rational.

"To be honest, I am waiting on a friend. I don't want to lose her." I rose to my feet, brushing against him slightly. "Let me buy you a drink, to thank you for helping me."

"There's no need. No girl deserves that on a night out." He smiled warmly, looking a little disappointed that I hadn't accepted his offer. "Well, we are right by the tables. Come over if you want to, anytime" I smiled warmly and thanked him again, reluctantly. I watched him leave, sighing, when I realised that the view from the back was just as good as it was from the front. I continued to stare, he settled back into his group of friends, even earning a pat on the back from one of them as his eyes drifted back over to me.

I sought out my phone, from the small clutch that I was carrying. Noticing the flashing beam alerting me to a series of missed calls and array of messages from Kit. She was ready to leave and move along to the next club. I regretfully replied, despite the hassle with the ginger, I found myself unwilling to leave. I took one final look to my saviour, cementing his face in my mind as he laughed with his friends before gathering myself to leave. 

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