13/ Shop of Horrors.

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I couldn't be having a worse morning. Eventually I had managed to fall into an alcohol induced slumber, that had me sweaty and tossing all night. The alarm sounded way too early, and on finding the shower engaged my mind wandered to the thoughts of Grey standing in there naked, separated by only a wall.

I hadn't had time to wait around. Shelly had a day planned for us, mainly us making the final arrangements for the wedding, and as usual, I was fearful to keep her waiting. I dressed, without showering, throwing on a simple shorts and vest before heading down the staircase for breakfast. I'd hoped I would be able to grab a chance to wash my face, brush my teeth and thinly set on some make up once Grey had done.

"There's croissants on the side."Shelly told me icily as I fished around in the fridge. "Only two, mind; you better save some for Richard. If that's even enough food for you."

I fought the urge to argue, I didn't need it right now. I knew she was pushing my buttons. Still, my fist clenched out of her view as I shakily poured some orange juice into a cup, making a mess on the side. Today couldn't get any worse. I was sure of it.

"Two is great,"I broke out. My voice not managing to sound chirpy as I hoped it might have.

Swiping at my phone, I checked the time. Shelly had long abandoned me in the shop front of the boutique, disappearing behind a faux-wall that served as a divider for the dressing rooms. I'd sat alone in the otherwise vacant waiting area, people watched the odd shopper from beyond the window, never craving a simple thing as phone reception more than I had done in this moment.

What could she possibly be still doing in there? After another time check, and another ten minutes of mindless boredom I gave up waiting. With the disdain constantly shown towards me over the past few days, I wouldn't have put it past my sister to have left me here. There would be no way any of the big poufy dresses would make it through the front door, there had to be a back entrance. I rose from the comfortable chair, bypassed the snobby looking assistant who had taken it upon herself to supervise my every movement. I rounded the corner of the soft padded wall and came face with a line of open curtains, all but one. Considering we were the only ones in the appointment book for the day, it had to be her.

"Shelly?"I called out. My voice wavering with nerves. "Are you in here?"Again, I waited, I had called out to her against my better judgement. How stupid must I be looking, calling out to an empty room. I'd waited and listened for a reply that never came.

I sighed, what was I thinking. The ever-resourceful Shelly Dawn would have never left me here without the slightest tactic to delay the inevitable backlash. That's all the pulled curtain was, a further means of trivialising my life. I was about to turn to leave when the slightest of a flutter of the curtain stilled me. It gaped slightly at the side and a streak of white appeared in the mirror. It could have been a flailing arm, but I couldn't be sure. I closed the short distance in a few careful strides, peaking around the gap just enough to check the figure behind it.

"Shell?"I gasped.

Her sleek blonde hair was gathered up, pulled into a neat pony and the tendrils cast over her shoulder revealing the open back wedding dress.

Although this was her final fitting, this was the first opportunity that I had seen the dress she'd chosen, whether that was by her choice or not. I couldn't deny the obvious, she was simply breath-taking. It seemed as though the dress was crafted solely for her. Intricate lace flowers peppered the width of her shoulder blades, forming the neckline. Whilst the dress was open back, a single strip of miniature flowers sloped down the curve of her spine where they joined a draping, subtly floral lace skirt layered against a ghost white train.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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