04/ Into the night

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Hurriedly, we weaved our way through the mass of the crowd. Grey, in-front, parting the waters of the drunk and disorderly littering the dancefloor, pulled me along like a balloon tied to a child's wrist as I helplessly tried to keep pace with his long manly strides. It was a miracle that I had managed to reach the front of the building without falling over. From my extremely limited experience of one night stands, I was sure that would have ended any chance of potentially life altering sex.

The towering bouncer jerked the large door open the door for us. I was sure I could sense a knowing grin on his face, he must have known where the night would be ending for us. My mind began to conjure images of what I hoped was to come. Myself, strewn naked on the bed whilst Grey stripped to his jeans in front of me. My face was flushed, and I bit down on my bottom lip in anticipation of the heights of pleasure that would be coming my way. Grey's hand tightly squeezed against mine, chasing the x rated thoughts from the forefront of my mind. He sent me a reassuring smile before we crossed the threshold into the night together.

There was something about being in the open air, no longer confined by the walls of people in the club that made this more real. Inside, it was just a drunken mistake, this was stepping a line, a fine line that defined committing something morally wrong. I pulled the both of us to a stop and thought about what I was doing. Heading to a hotel with a strange guy, one that was inches away from marriage, it wasn't me. It was reckless, wrong and bound to end in disaster. Then I looked to Grey, desire written all over his face and I could feel it again, in the pit of my stomach. The pull. The attraction. The desire. The feeling of pure lust, the pure need for another person. It was nothing close to anything I've ever felt before. It had consumed me inside the dark club, and it continued to consume me now here under the street lights.

I crossed the short space between us, his arms came around my waist gathering me closer to his warm body. The intoxication of him had managed to numb me from the cold, and only once my legs slotted in between his did I begin to feel the cold wind nipping at my naked legs. His arms covered mine, enveloping me into his warmth. He was smirking down at me, with longing, as apparent on his face as I knew it would be on mine. It was like that, in the few short breaths that it had taken for his lips to anchor onto mine that the reservations on the tip of my tongue had faded. Disappeared. Lost to complete oblivion as my tongue now endured a heated entanglement.

His pulling away had me breathless, clutching at the collar of his shirt to keep me from wavering on my heels. Yet, his hard body steadied me. His lips now nursed on my neck undoubtedly leaving a mark.

"How about we head to the taxi rank. My place isn't far." I nodded eagerly. I hadn't realised how much I had needed this, to feel wanted and needed until it had begun.

I barely registered as Grey told the driver the destination, let alone the journey that had passed whilst my mind, and lips became otherwise engaged. Grey had wasted little time and pulled me across the middle seat to him before we had even pulled off the pavement from the club.

I couldn't suppress the moan that left my mouth as he nipped my ear as we pulled to a stop, the engine cut signalling our arrival at whatever destination Grey had intended for us. I sheepishly opened my eyes, and gathered my heels from the floor where my aching feet had been protesting after the short distance we had walked to meet the awaiting sleek black Prius. Grey pulled open the door for me, gathering me into his arms to save me from exposure to the pavement. My legs wrapped around him, as I giggled both from the sentiment, as well as the thrill of desire that his actions had resulted in.

By the time the elevator doors closed, I no longer felt any guilt eating away at the edges of my moral compass, now the only butterflies that were left was the thrills on intimacy that coursed through me. And by the time my back bounced against the mattress of the bed, the only rational thought I could convey was my saviours name, rolling off my tongue breathlessly as I rolled around the bed in a flood of pleasure.


My final gasp came as Grey rolled off of me, our bodies equally slick with sweat seeping into the already clammy sheets. I couldn't hide the smile beaming on my face at the sight of him, a soft glimmer of happiness pulled against his lips, his eyes rolled closed as his chest heaved up and down, a sign of the exertion he just put himself under.

I could feel my body sinking, how had I only just realised the comfort of this mattress, I guess I wasn't still enough to actually appreciate it before. It was drinking me in, consuming my exhausted body to the softness supporting me. I hadn't realised that sex could leave you feeling this satisfied, this depleted, but in a good way.

I fought to raise my head from the pillow, the clock read it was verging on four am, I gritted my teeth, my body was calling for sleep. The last thing I wanted to do was call an Uber back at this time, the cost alone would seriously dent my bank account. Grey looked almost half asleep already, his eyes barely parted from closing as I shifted, I couldn't help but sigh.

"I better go Grey." I uttered softly, fingers dancing across his fluffy forearm. "I had a really great time."

Fighting the comfort of the mattress, I pulled myself up over him, pressing a lingering kiss on his lips. His hand lazily climbed to the back of my head, tangling his fingers in my mane as he began to kiss back softly. Reluctantly, I pulled away, unable to beat the frown that formed, his arms were quick to wrap around my waist, pulling me against his chest. I fell back, tucking my head into the crook of his neck, inhaling the gorgeous lingering scent that still clung to his sweaty body. I laughed as my fingers began trailing through the clusters of hair that shaped his chest and down the plains of his stomach. I could feel his breaths deepen, he was close to being pulled into a slumber, and if I hung around any longer, I knew I wouldn't be far behind.

"Grey, I really need to go, it's late-"

"Sshh, you are staying right here," he replied quietly. His voice coming across muffled as he pressed his lips against my head.

I sighed, letting myself sink down into him. He wants me to stay, I let the words repeat in my head, again and again, each time my heart warming at the meaning behind the words. He wanted me to fall asleep, and wake up in his arms, he wants to share the same air as he would exhale. There was allot more riding on his words for my heart to read, it was almost as if this was more than a one night stand.

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