The End - 8

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The week long train journey back to district thirteen was terrible. Being dragged from the clutches of sleep from a terrible flashback of John's death. I would see it when I fell asleep, always there. It never stopped, like a continuous loop. I didn't eat, regardless of whatever Effie said. She said I would catch my death of starvation, but I couldn't care less. It would just bring me to John faster. They were careful to rid my carriage of sharp objects courtesy of Mycroft's requests. He knew me. And he knew I couldn't live without John. I hated to wake up from a nightmare and not have John beside me. Waking up was only a fraction better than being asleep. All I could see was John, everywhere I went. He was in the trees as they passed through the window. He was in the grass. I remembered looking out of the window with him, commenting on the areas we saw, solitary houses in the fields that I promised John we would live in when we won, we would live there as victors. Oh, how wrong I was. Sometimes when I drifted off, I would remember those conversations and visualise how it would be. John and I as old men in a shared cottage. He would make jam and I would keep bees. The perfect life.

He was in the clouds that we would look up at from our tree in the arena. He was in the rain that fell over us, supplied us with the water we needed for that one night John had run out of water. He was everywhere, in my dreams, in my nightmares... In my heart? No... That would eventually destroy me.

We arrived at district thirteen and I was greeted by Jack and Harry Watson who both nodded at me. Harry had obviously been crying, and I could tell Jack was close. I took the gold band off my wrist and handed it to him, keeping it rested in my open palm. He curled my fingers back around it, giving me a watery smile. “Thank you, Sherlock.” he whispered, shaking my other hand. “Thank you for keeping him happy through that. Me and Harry, we've got you. If you need anything, you've got us. Just come to us for help, we'll be happy to.” I nodded and was escorted by Effie into victor's village, where they expected me to continue my bleak existence without John.

They expected me to continue my existence for more than three days, but then again. They knew it was going to happen eventually.

//AN: Apologies for the terribly short chapter, but I had to end it here. I'm so sorry for the feels D: Now it is time to let my baby go and be free and readable by the people of wattpad. I love you all so much <3//

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