The Interviews - 4

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//AN: I got so into this chapter - I think it's a little longer than the rest but it is very important :3 Again, thanks for getting this far <3//

'The Capitol – The heart of Panem.' Flashed past as we entered the big city. The train stopped at yet another station and we were greeted by a group of peacekeepers that lead John, Sally, Sarah and I to a vehicle where we were injected with tracking chips to ensure we never left the arena or training zone. The needle was large, about two millimetres in diameter as it plunged into my arm. I bit back a scream as the chip was inserted into the softer part of my forearm. My hand found John's through the restraints and squeezed it tightly while the tracker was put back into his arm too. He whimpered, and the sound shattered me. He sounded terrified, probably because we were on our way to the training area where we would be introduced to the other tributes, demonstrate our skills and determine whether or not we would join an alliance with other tributes.

When the peacekeeper left, John squeezed my hand in return, allowing me to feel how nervous and sweaty he was getting. “I can't do this alone... I need help, Sherlock. I need... I need you to stay with me until we get out of that arena alive. Both of us, yeah? You're a better shot than me. You're more focused and better at hunting. You can help us both. I'll try my best to help us, but I can't do it alone.” he said softly, each word making my heart ache a little bit more. Sarah was sobbing and Sally was staring up at the wall with a blank expression. I had no way of comforting them from the restraints that kept me securely in the chair. A peacekeeper noticed us and walked over, separating our hands. I looked over at John and bit down on my lip, just noticing all the fear and worry in his eyes. “Stay with me. I'll keep you safe. We can get out of this. Mycroft's on my side, remember?” I assured him in a whisper, making sure nobody else could hear. “I made a deal with him.”

John looked back at me with a panicked expression. “You did what? Sherlock, there can only be one Victor. Your brother won't kill you off.” he whispered back.

“I told him to do so if it was required.” I assured him, sitting back in my chair so the restraints didn't dig into my legs or torso. Again, John looked terrified. He didn't really have reason to. He would survive this over me. He'd live.

“You told Mycroft to kill you? You're crazy. Sherlock, you're supposed to survive this. You're supposed to live and get out there alive. I can't lose you.” His voice was pleading now and it was seriously toying with my emotions.

“I'm sorry, John, but it's a sacrifice you must make. In order to live, you need to let me go.” I murmured, looking straight ahead at the tributes from district three, who seemed to be snarling. Nobody stood a chance if they remained alive until there were few tributes left.

“No, no... You're an idiot. God, Sherlock. You can't do that. You can't just throw yourself around and plan to die so I can get out of there. You don't get it, do you? You never will. Fucking hell. I can't lose you. I can't live without you. You're all I have left and if I get out of there without you I'll kill myself. I'll end it and Mycroft won't do a thing. Do you want to know why? Because you're everything to me, god damn it. I fucking love you, Sherlock. And if you're not there I-...” he cut himself off and shook his head, the tears running off his face. District three's tributes sniggered at John's weakness but I glared at them and let out a soft but threatening growl which shut them up promptly. “Calm down, John. Just-... Just calm down. We'll get through training and the TV broadcasts, which should be eventful, and see how it goes.

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