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A/n alright, I've decided to go with Juke as their ship name!

okay, on with the story.

Today, Jessica's parents are coming back from their business trip. Wonderful. All that is going through my mind is, “what if they don't like me?" or “what if they don't think that I'm good enough for their daughter?"

Jess seems to see my frantic mental state, because she walks over to the couch that I'm sitting on, and sits next to me.

“You know, I'm really nervous too," Jess confesses.

“Wow, that really soothes my nerves, thanks," I say, new wave of stress washing over me.

I thought she was going to say something along the lines as ‘They're going to love you! You have nothing to worry about’ but no.

“Hey I've never had a boyfriend before, I don't know how they will react," she says, and covers her mouth. Her face turns pink.

“You've never dated anyone before?" I ask

“Shut up Luke, oh my god I can't believe I said that.

DONT LOOK AT ME," she hides her face.

“Hey," I pull her hands off her face, “I've never dated anyone either, so we're gonna have to work together here."

She grins wildly.

Then, we hear a knock at the door and her parents come in.

Jess stands and and so do I. They both give me, what I think is, an angry, yet confused glare.

They then run to Jess and squeeze her in a family group hug.

“Mom, dad! I'm completely off chemo!" She says excitedly.

“Oh my fuck, Karl, we forgot about her appointment," her mom says to her husband, Karl.

“Karen, shit, I knew we shouldn't have left her alone, there won't be another opening for like 5 months," Karl says to Karen.

Jess and I exchange weirded out looks.

“Well if you had listened to me the first time, you would know that I went to the appointment and had the operation done," Jess says, annoyed.

“You went to that hospital all by yourself?!" Karen yells.

“Well thanks for being so excited for me. And for your information, I went with Luke," Jess says, trying not to yell.

Both her parents simultaneously look up at me.

“And who is this?" Karl says to me, I think.

“I'm Luke," I say, extending my hand for a handshake.

Jess's dad does not take my hand, and I slowly put it back to my side.

“Well thank you Lucas, for taking care of my daughter. You may go now, we've got this covered," Karen says.

Jess rolls her eyes and says

“Mom, dad, this is Luke, my boyfriend."

They both gasp.

“Excuse me? He's your what?" Karen sternly asks.

“Boyfriend, b-o-y-f-r-i-e-n-d," Jess spells it out for them.

“Well I think we should have a talk with your boyfriend, don't you Karl?"

Karl nods.

“No, whatever you have to say to Luke, you should say in front of me as well," Jess argues.

“No, Jess I think it would be best if we talked alone," I explain, and hive her an apologetic look.

She glares at me, but doesn't say anything else.

Karen, Karl, and I walk in another room of the house.

“Why are you dating my little girl?" Karl asks.

“What do I mean," I say, honestly bewildered.

“Don't play dumb with me young man. I mean, you're what? 17?"

“18," I think but dare not say. That would only make things worse.

“ I'm sure you, a teenage boy, has only the most honorable intentions when it comes to my girl," Karen says.

“What do you mean by that? I would never hurt Jess," I say.

“Oh come on, I know you're not stupid.You're not in love, you want to get into my daughter's pants."

I feel my face get red with anger.

“I do not appreciate people telling me whether or whether not I'm in love. And you know what? I am in love. I've loved Jessica since I was in 8th grade. I would just admire her from a far because I was always to nervous to talk to her. And now, when I finally have a chance to be with her, I'm not going to let you shit our relationship down the drain. And, no, I don't want to have sex with her. Not yet at least. I want my first time to be with someone I truly love. So, with all do respect, I'm going to kiss my girlfriend on the cheek, and then I'm going home. Good day to you," I say and turn my back to them.

I do just that.


*At home*

“Ashton Irwin, where are you? I have to tell you something," I yell as soon as I get home.

He walks out of his room.

“Hey bro, where have you been? I've been worried," he asks.

“It doesn't matter, but do you know what does?" I ask, even though I know how he doesn't know the answer.

He shakes his head.

“I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!" I scream happily.

“Oh shit, no way! Who?" He asks, just about as excited as I am.


“Emerson?" He questions.

I nod happily.

he runs over to me, and hugs me.

For once, I actually hug him back.

“Dude, you've liked her for how long?"

“Since 8th grade," I smile.

“I'm so happy for you," Ash says, sincerely.

“There's just one catch," I say, now serious.

“What?" He questions.

“She's going to die soon."

a/n heeeyyy sorry, short chapter.

Fuckin Karen tho, am I right? Like what a bitch.




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