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I once heard someone say that the meaning of life is to be happy.

Well, I'm not happy, nor will I ever be, so...what's the point?

I continue my depressing thoughts as I walk down the street, when I  accidentally bump into somebody.

“Ow," I hear a female voice say.

“Oh shit, sorry," I mumble, and look up.

I swear time stops. 

Its her, standing right in front of me.

“Its okay, don't worry about it. You looked pretty deep in thought. What were you thinking about?" She asks, then adds, “If you don't mind me asking."

I snap myself out of my trance I didn't even know I was in and reply, “Uhh, I was thinking about the meaning of life."

She looks taken back, but then giggles.

“Well I wasn't expecting that answer. Did you figure it out?" she asks, still laughing.

“Yeah, actually," I say.

“Well? Spit it out," she says, calming down from her giggly state.

“Its to be happy. If you're not happy, than what's the point of living?" I ask, more to myself than to her.

“Are you happy?" she asks.

“Ha! No," I laugh ruefully.

She looks at me with a sad face, and then engulfs me into a hug.

“Well, we're just going to have to change that, aren't we?" She says into my chest.

“My name's Jessica, but call me Jess," she says, while extending her arm out.

I shake her hand, and fight the urge to say know who you are. Instead, I reply, “My name's Luke."

“Tell me about yourself, Luke."

“Um..I'm eighteen, uh, I'm like 6'4, I play the guitar...and I'm living with my friend, Ashton," I say. “There isn't much to know," I add.

“Tell me about yourself, Jess."

“Well, I'm 5'6, my shoe size is seven, I'm an only child, I love books, and uhhmm...I don't know..Oh! This is my natural hair color!" She exclaims, while laughing.

I just shake my head, and chuckle.

I then look at her hair, and see why she said that. If she hasn't told me, I would have thought I would have come out of a bottle.

It is a dark auburn color, with dirty blonde, and light brow highlights.

The hair comes down to about mid-waist, and is sightly wavy.

A sudden snap of fingers in my face, snaps me out of my thoughts.

“Oh good. I thought I lost you there. You sure do space out a lot, Luke," she remarks.

After who knows how long,we finally part ways, but not before we exchange numbers.

I learned a lot about Jess today.

She told me about her cancer, which I already knew she had, but she told me more details about it.

For example, it is breast cancer.

Oh, and not to mention that it is terminal, and she has two years to live.

Chemotherapy can delay it though, but she has decided to stop treatment.

On a lighter note, I also learned that she is seventeen, and has a cat named Reginald.
In exchange, I told some stuff about me too.

Not the big things, but like little facts.

I did tell her about my mom kicking me out though.

She wasn't very happy about that.

My god, she's wonderful.

I think about our conversation all the way home.

When I open up there door, I see that the boys are still here, and my smile fades.

“Oh good. We were starting to worry about you," Michael says, looking relived.

“Yeah, I'm fine, I mumble, and walk into my room.

That night, I dreamed about a 5’6 girl, with wavy auburn hair.

I'msorryitwasshort, butIdon'thavemuchinspirationrightnow.
Loveya!! xx

depression (a luke hemmings fan fiction) SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now