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Yeah, its me. The fuck up.

The name's Luke Hemmings and I am about to kill myself.

 My friends don't give one shit about me.

My family will be better off without me.

And not to mention the fact that no one even noticed that I'm standing on the roof right now.

Goodbye cruel world,


I finish off my suicide note, and look down.

Its a long drop, at least a fifty foot drop.

That's sure to do the trick.

I stand on the edge, and think about what a coward I am.

Strong people would tough through this. They wouldn't let the world drag them down.

But I am a coward, and that's why I can't seem to jump.

I sit on the edge of the roof, and think how much easier things would be without me here.

No more fake friends, no more names, and more being beaten up, no more being hit by my own mother, and no more-
I stop, as I think about the one thing that kept me going.


Oh god how I loved her.

She was perfect, in every single way.

But she can't save me, because she doesn't know who I am.
I stand up, and take a deep breath.

Suddenly, I heard screaming.

What the fuck?

I look down, to see Ashton, one of my ‘friends'.

“What the fuck do you think you're doing Luke?" He screams.

“What the hell does it look like, fucker!?" I scream back.

“Get the fuck down here now!

“Why do you even care? You guys don't give a shit about me!" I reason.

“Where is that coming from? Luke, you're my best friend, man," he said more quietly, so I could barely hear him.

“Please come down," he begged.

I start to cry. See? I am a fucking coward.

I climb down, and Ashton runs to me. He hugs me really tight, and doesn't let go for a while.

When he finally pulls back,there are tear stains are on his cheeks.

“I thought I was gonna lose you, man," he says in a hushed whisper.

“You already have," I answer.

depression (a luke hemmings fan fiction) SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now