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I know that I shouldn’t be out this late.  I have a curfew that ended a few hours ago, but I just couldn’t bring myself to go home.  All of his stuff was packed up already, and I couldn’t bear to see it being put in places where it will never be seen again.  It was as if my parents wanted to pretend like he never existed, never walked around in all of his glory.  They wanted to place everything in the back, so memories wouldn’t come up as easily. 

I cruised down the empty road, the clock reading ten minutes ‘till midnight.  I had the only thing of his that wasn’t packed away, stuffed in the glove compartment.  The radio wasn’t on, because I just couldn’t stand to listen to the singers singing happy songs about how life is great, when in reality, it really wasn’t. 

My phone had gone off multiple times within the past two hours, but I didn’t bother to answer it.  I knew it was one of my parents wondering where I was this late.

I decided to pull into a gas station, to get more gas, and maybe something to drink.  As I walked into the store, there was only one other person, besides the cashier in the building.  It was a tall boy, with dark hair, and tan skin.  He looked to be about my age, but I didn’t get a good look of him before he left after paying.

I grabbed a water off of the shelf, and paid for it. Walking out, I noticed the boy getting into a car with another boy, then make their way to the gas.  By the time I finished with the gas, the other car was gone, but what looked to be a wallet with, what I noticed, a black stripe, was left in its place.

I would have picked it up, but I was in a mood where I didn’t bother looking at it once more.  I got into my car and started to drive off down the dirt road.  I didn’t want to go home, but I knew that if I didn’t any time soon, I would be in even more trouble.

After driving about a mile from the gas station, I noticed headlights faintly in the distance.  I quickly went to turn mine on, so the driver would know that I was here.  I should have had my lights on before, with it being so dark and all, but I just haven’t been caring about rules that much lately. 

I started to panic.  My lights weren’t turning on.  I tried, and tried, but they just wouldn’t turn on.  My piece of shit car wasn’t working, and I really needed it to.  I tried again but they just wouldn’t work.  The road I was driving down was narrower than most roads, because not many people drove down here.

The other car was coming closer, and I realized that I needed to stop before it hit me.  I was afraid to turn off the road, for there were deep ditches on the sides.  I tried putting my lights on one final time, before I stopped.

But my shit car wasn’t working properly again.  The brakes weren’t working, weren’t letting me stop. 

I started crying, realizing that I was probably going to be in an accident.

As I griped the steering wheel, I leaned over and opened the glove box.  I pulled out the white bear that was missing an eye, and clutched it to my chest as tears flowed freely.  I didn’t hear anything but myself crying, until I heard the honk.  Then I heard nothing.

A/N Hello! So this was the prologue of Scars! I really hoped you liked it, and I promise that the story will get better as it goes along. I also wanted to clairfy that there will be swearing in this story!  Xx –M  

P.S Sorry if the spacing looks weird!

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