Loan (Chapter 22)

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*Patrick's POV* *Like four and a half years later cause I'm pretty freaking lazy*

Pete is finally done with school, and Cassidy is about four and a half. She stays in Pete and I's now old room. Now the two of us are stuck in the living room, the hall closet holding most of our stuff. We just have a mattress on the floor, as we can't fit an entire bed frame in the living room.

"Daddy!" I felt litlle hands shake me. "Daddy wake up!"

"I don't wanna," I groaned.

I dug my face into my pillow. Cassidy crawled over to me, making an 'oomph' sound come out of my mouth.

"Dad!" she whined, shaking Pete.


"Get uuuupp!"

Pete stood up, taking Cass to the kitchen, him holding her on his hip.

On his way out he nudged me and said, "Wake up silly head."

We try not to cuss around Cass because she's in the stage where everything she hears gets repeated. Anyways, I layed back down and fell asleep for maybe five minutes or so. I grunted and sat up. I made my way to the kitchento see Pete and Cassidy stirring pancake mix. It was most likely some vegan thing for Andy, well, that's okay. She was on a stool, her tiny little hands made the whisk look so big. I smiled and stood at the doorway, staring at the cutness before me. Pete noticed that I was watching them, and invited me to come and help

I stood behind him, snaking my arms around his waist and resting my chin on his shoulder. I guess I wasn't exactly helping, but we both enjoyed in anyways. He turned his head to face me. He gave me a peck on the lips.

"Eeeewww," Cass scrunched up her face.

Pete and I just laughed.

"How about we turn on the TV so your dad and I can cook?" I suggested.

Cass nodded. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the living room. I plopped her down on the couch and turned it on Nick Junior. Peppa Pig was on. (@VampireVengence ARE YOU FEELING IT NOW MR KRABS. ~Sam~) I hate that show with a burning passion but it's Cass's favorite show and I don't have the heart to change it. I sigh as she turns towards the TV.

"I love you baby girl," I kissed her forehead.

"I love you too daddy," she smlied.

I made my way to the kitchen. He was already pouring the mixture in to the pan. (I'm lazy and it's 4:30 AM ~Sam~)

We have now made all the pancakes. There's five plates. Pete, Cass, and I, and then Joe and Andy if they would get their lazy asses up. I poured on syrup and spread butter on the pancakes. I didn't on Joe and Andy's cause they can do it their own damn selves. I set Pete, Cass, and I's plates on the table. Pete went over to get Cass. She ran to the table, her curly brown hair flowing behind her.

"So what episode of Peppa Pig did you watch?" Pete asked, obviously trying to annoy me.

"Well," she started. "Tittles the Tortise climbed in a tree and they had to get him down with Mrs. Rabbit's helicopter." (I FUCKING SHIT YOU NOT THIS IS AN ACTUAL EPISODE OF PEPPA PIG I HAVE SEEN EVERY EPISODE EVER. ~Sam)

She went on and about Peppa Pig and all the episodes she's watched. I have literally seen every episode of Peppa Pig at least twenty times each. We seriously have every episode recorded on the DVR. I can't stand it. I'm sick of Peppa Pig. I love Cassidy to death, but damn.

"I'm full," Cass said, pushing her chair out from under the table and running to her room.

I gave a breathy laugh and grabbed her plate. I rinsed it off and set it in the dishwasher. Joe and Andy lazily made their way to the kitchen.

"Those two plates are for you lazy fucks," I said.

They both muttered a quick 'thanks' and went back to the stupid vegan pancakes.

Where the hell is my fiancè? I glanced down the hallway. He's on the phone, casually pacing around.

All I really heard was a 'thank you so much' and an 'okay, bye.'

He pranced down the hall.

"Oh Paaattrriicckkk," he chimed.

"Yeah babe?" I replied.

"Remember that teaching job I applied for?" He asked.

"Yes I do," I said.

"I got the job!" He said excitingly.

"That's amazing!" I squealed.

"I've been thinking..."

"That's a first."


I just shrugged.

"Anyways," he said. "I was thinking about applying for a loan from the bank so we can get an apartment or something."

"That would be amazing."


"C'mon Pete, we have to go!" I yelled.

"Coming babe!" He shouted back.

We forced Joe and Andy to watch Cass, but they love playing with her so it was not a problem for either of them.

We made our way to the car. Pete turned on the radio. I Write Sins Not Tradgedies by Panic! At The Disco was on. It was the only song by them that was ever played by them, some people just don't really know how great their music truly is. I don't understand how people like the other shitty music that comes on the radio ever. It just confuses me in the weirdest ways.

We pulled up to the parking lot for the bank. We walked inside where we were lead by lady in a pencil skirt and a blouse. The steady click of her heels on the tile flooring kind of got to me, but I managed. Her office was kind of bland, just a pale blue wall, a basic desk, and two chairs for an clients of hers to sit in. I let Pete do the explaining for the loan.

"We wanted to get a loan so we can buy an apartment."

"Occupation?" She asked, which wasn't even really a question.

I could tell she was going to be a bitch.

"I just finished school and I was accepted a job at Uplift Communtiy school, as a 7th grade social studies teacher."

She nodded and then looked at me.

"Oh, I'm more of a stay at home dad."

"You two have kids?" She asked.

We both nodded. She wrote on the paper in front of her and sighed. She asked about our current living situation and our current monthly income of our household.

"Alright. I'll see what I can do, expect a phone call in a few days," she said with a little bit of bitchiness in her tone.

I'm just hoping that this'll work.

(A/N aaayyyyeeee IM BACK BITCHES. IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED. GUYS SCHOOL STARTS ON THE 18TH. HELP. I feel Patrick's pain about Peppa Pig. Ugh. ILY. ~Samantha~)

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