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      I lifted my shirt up off her body and eyed her beauties.

Chris- joy is you a virgin

   She blushed and shook her head no.

Chris- mmm did he please you like this (I pinched her nipple and she yelped)

Joy- fuck no (she whispered harshly)

    I smirked and took one of her candies in my mouth. She arched her back and moaned out loudly. I bit her nipple and she jerked, I sucked away the pain and she moaned like crazy. Her moans are like music to my ears. I took care of the other one and started trailing my kisses down.
  When I reached down to her treasure, I spread her legs. I bit the hem of her panties and pulled them down, her face hid in her hands. I bit and licked the inside of her thighs to hear a mumbled moan.

Chris- hey look at me joy

   She pryed her hands off and looked at me shyly. I look at her treasure and groaned at the sight. I gripped her thighs and pulled her closer to me.

Chris- so fucking beautiful (I mumbled)

   I took a long lick and she shivered. I moaned at the taste and dove in. She hissed and arched her back. I was licking up and down. I stuck my tongue in her slit.
   She screamed out in pleasure. I groaned against her core, I pinched her clit and she exploded in my mouth. I licked her clean and went back up gripping her face. I crashed my lips on hers. She flipped us over and pulled off my shirt, she kissed and sucked all on my neck and then my chest.
   I told her I didn't want her to give me head because she's too pretty for all of that. I flipped us back over and took off my shorts.

Chris- fuck I need a condom

Joy- (pulled me closer against her core) I'm on birth control

   I pressed my lips against hers and rubbed my dick up and down her slit. She moaned in my mouth, I entered and clenched my jaw. She was fucking tight.

Chris- damn

Joy- fuck baby (she whined out)

Chris- almost there (I went in all the way)

   I rocked slowly in her so she can get use to my size. I hid my face in the crook of my neck as I groaned. She gripped my neck and moaned in my ear.

Joy- faster baby (she panted out)

       I quickened my pace and rammed in her. She gasped and held me tighter biting my lobe softly. Her moaning in my ear was sending me into overdrive.

Joy- fuck chris (she clawed at my back)

Chris- you like that baby

Joy- fuck yes (she screamed out)

Chris- (lifting up and gripped her neck squeezing lightly) fuck what's my name joy

   I was close and she was too.

Joy- mmm daddy fuck

Chris- (groan) fuck who is this belong too

Joy- fuck you baby

    I busted in her and collapsed on her chest. She came right after, I smirked as I buried my face in the crook of her neck. She giggled softly and wrapped her arms around me.

Chris- damn right

    I mumbled against her neck and went to sleep.

No Exit (chris brown)Where stories live. Discover now