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I sighed as I slammed the locker close. It's been 4 days since me and chris talked to each other. After I told him my theory of our feelings, he kept his distance. He hasn't been to school, he hasn't returned my texts, and he has been ignoring my calls. I miss him, I miss his voice, his touch, and just him in general. I looked to see if he came through the cafe doors to see nothing but our friends come in laughing. I bit my lip as it quivered. I placed my head down as I fought the tears.

Trey- joy what's wrong boo (he nudged me as he sat next to me)

Joy- nothing (I croaked)

Trey- (lifting my head up) awe no joy your crying cmon

He pulled me and wrapped his arm around my neck as we walked away from the cafe. We walked to the front of the campus and to the parking lot. Trey pulled out his keys unlocking the doors and told me to get in. I sighed in frustration as I hopped in. Trey started the car and backed away and exited out of the school.

Joy- Trey (I shrieked)

Trey- what (he chuckled)

Joy- why we leaving the school

Trey- cause you and chris need to talk

Joy- no I don't want to talk to his ass (I hissed)

Trey- listen joy y'all need to talk just like you he's miserable too look I don't know what happened between y'all days ago but y'all need to fix it and move pass it

I let Trey words sink in, and bit my lip.

Joy- thanks Trey but can you talk to him first I just need a moment

Trey- sure juju

Joy- (laughing) thanks big bro

Trey- no problem lil sis

My breath hitched as we enter his neighborhood. I clenched the seat as we pulled into his drive way. His car was still here. Trey smiled and squeezed my hand as he got out the car.


I opened the door with the key chris gave to me. I shook my head as the music was blasting. I looked in the living room to see chris on the couch watching music videos. I close the door getting his attention.

Chris- Trey (he furrowed his eyebrows) why ain't you at school

Trey- I should be asking you the same thing

Chris- (rolling his eyes and slouching back down) whatever bruh

Trey- (sitting next to him) no it's not whatever bruh tell me what happened to you and joy and I'm not going to ask you again (I growled intimidating him)

Chris- ugh fine (throwing his hands up) I'm scared Trey alright (he leaned forward and placed his head in his hands) I'm scared of falling in love what if something happens, what if I do something stupid or screw it up or what if joy acts like kae and cheats on me I'm just scared of getting my heart broken I heard that shit stings and hurts you but I can't help that I am falling in love with her Trey and we already been together for two months

Trey- listen man you need to tell her how you feel you got this girl crying and confused, I had to drive her down here for y'all to talk

Chris- wait she's here (his head popped up)

Trey- yeah she in my car but like I was say....

He ran out of the house causing me to shake my head. I sat back and watched the tv knowing this will be a while.

No Exit (chris brown)Where stories live. Discover now