Chapter 1 - The Beginning of Hope...and Despair

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You couldn't believe what was happening. After stepping foot in Hope's Peak Academy, you had suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of dizziness, as if you were being pulled away from the present. Next thing you know, you wake up in complete darkness until raising your head and realizing that you were lying on a wooden desk in an unfamiliar classroom.

"Strange... I don't remember walking here! I don't even recognize this place. Wait..."

You suddenly realize the giant metal plates covering what appeared to be where the windows should be.

"This...isn't...normal..." you say to yourself, struggling to keep calm. Then you realize something. "I can't be the only one here right? If this really is a classroom, then there should be students, right? After all it is likely that this is a school!"

With new-found positivity, you rush towards the door almost running straight into it, and you exit the slightly eerie classroom.

The corridor you step into isn't any better. The atmosphere makes your hair stand on end, and shivers crawl up your spine.

"Okay... If I was a random student in a creepy school, where would I be?" you ponder as you walk down the corridor, not knowing where you're going.

Suddenly, you hear footsteps on the other end of the corridor.

"Welp. I think I've found the random student!!" You begin walking quickly towards the footsteps.

You eventually find yourself in a room filled with other students. You see a unit filled with medals and trophies on the side, and a monitor on the wall. After looking around, it looks like there are 15 other students here.

"WHO ARE YOU?! AND WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" You are greeted with the booming voice of a black-haired, red-eyed man in a neat white school uniform.


Could this guy be any louder? My eardrums are gonna burst any second now!

"Um... I didn't know about needing to be at the entrance, but I just woke up and followed the sound of footsteps to here. I didn't want to be late! I'm sorry..." You stare down at the floor, almost in tears.

"W-wait! Don't cry! I'm truly sorry for what I said! I should've listened to you first!" The man bows in apology, and you swear you can see tears forming in his eyes as well.

"I-it's okay don't worry about it! In this situation a few outbursts are only natural."

"That's true. None of us have any idea what's going on-"

"Except that we're all totally stuck in Hope's Peak Academy for some reason!" A girl suddenly walks over and interrupts the conversation.

Jeez, rude much?

"Um...who are you?"

"I'm none other than Junko Enoshima, the ultimate fashionista! Do you not, like, recognize me?"

"Uh..." You don't recall knowing much about other ultimate students. With you being the ultimate (y/t), you didn't feel like you needed to know much about others.

You notice that the guy in the uniform had walked away towards the door, that had suddenly opened. Following everyone else was the best option.

"We should probably go" you say to Junko as politely as possible.

After walking through the doors, you see that you are now in a gym. Still unaware of what was happening, you just stand near the front of the group, waiting for something to happen.

You definitely did not expect this!

A black and white bear called Monokuma appears on the stage and explains that you must kill and get away with it if you ever want to see the outside world again. You look around warily, wandering if anyone here would do such a thing. Or if they were capable...

No! No negativity! I've already been worried enough.

Clearly, not everyone agreed with Monokuma's rules and tried to end him. You watch as some guy with corn hair picks him up. Moments later he tosses him and it's a good job he did. The air fills with the sound of an explosion, fiery colours filling the air where Monokuma once was. That wasn't the end though, as you notice Monokuma reappear on stage unharmed.

Okay, this is a lot to take in.

As Monokuma eventually leaves, you notice how everyone around you including the guy in the white uniform were all looking around at each other, filled with suspicion.

"Hey guys, don't fret!" You try to cheer up the mood. "I'm sure there's still hope! We haven't explored everywhere yet, so he could be lying about there being no way out. We should see for ourselves first."

"She is right!" The loud voice from earlier suddenly speaks up. "We should try to look on the positive side of things! Otherwise, who knows what might happen to us."

You smile at his words, glad that you managed to spread some positivity.

As everyone starts to leave the gym, you decide to go speak to him.

"Hi, uh... I don't think I've introduced myself yet. My name's (y/n) (L/n) and I'm the ultimate (y/t)." You reach your hand out towards him for a hand shake. "It's nice to meet you!"

He stares at you for a second and then reaches out, shaking your outstretched hand. "Greetings (y/n)! My name is Kiyotaka Ishimaru, but you can just call me Taka. I am the ultimate moral compass. I look forward to working with you as we try to escape!"

"Likewise" A smile appears on your face, relieved that you can trust at least one person here. Unless...

NO! He wouldn't betray me or anything like that! He seems too kind to lie to anyone!

As you both break apart from the hand shake and leave the gym, you start questioning everything. Why is this happening? Why is it this group of 16 students? Where's everyone else in the school? Hopefully you'd be able to find something after searching the building.


A/N: Wow I wrote fanfiction! Hey guys thank you for reading the first chapter! I'm a complete noob when it comes to writing creatively so please tell me what you thought of this and if I should continue or not.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru x Reader - There's still hope!Where stories live. Discover now