Chapter 5 - We're here for you! (Day 1)

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*Ding dong, bing bong*

"Good morning everyone! It is now 7am! Time to rise and shine!"

As you hear the Monokuma announcement blaring from the monitor, your eyes open and you find yourself laying on your side staring towards the giant metal slabs that blocked where you'd expect to see the morning sun shining through the glittering glass windows.

"It's morning...? It doesn't feel like it..." You sit yourself up, reaching your arms upwards to stretch. Even though you're in a killing game, the beds are really comfortable.

It doesn't seem like there was a murder at all during the night which is a relief. If there was then you were sure that someone would have informed you of it. Thinking back on what happened in the past 24 hours, you realize that you still have one main issue to deal with.

"Maybe I should ask someone for advice now, before anything too serious happens," you say aloud to yourself, motivating you to leave your room.

You pick yourself up off the bed and start getting ready for the day. Brush your teeth, have a shower, brush your hair, get a change of clothes from your wardrobe which seemed to only have 10 copies of your outfit from yesterday. You then walk out of your room locking the door behind you. After stopping by the dining hall quickly to grab some breakfast, you looked around the school for the one other person that you had spoken to properly recently.

You find them in the A/V room pressing random buttons and turning the knobs for no real purpose. They seem bored out of their mind.

"Hi Junko!"

She turns around and glares you down for a second, then her glare softens as she realizes that it's you. "What's up (y/n)? You look like you need to get something off your chest!"

Is it that clear that something's wrong? Hopefully this is just normal for everyone else but I don't know about it properly...

"Can I ask you for some help? I've been having a bit of a dilemma."

"Sure thing! But this had better be entertaining," she says, casually making a peace sign as if to say 'you can trust me'. "I mean, I'm glad that you spoke to me at all if I'm being honest. We have too much freakin' spare time! How can anyone live like this? It's impossible!"

You decide to just get straight to the point since you start worrying that this is something only you're dealing with. Junko seems so nonchalant that it seems hard to believe that she is suffering.

"I've been feeling...really strange emotions since the killing game started!"

Junko looks at you with curiosity and a slight hint of concern. "Go on..." she says, eager to hear details.

"I've been feeling really happy at times, but also nervous and slightly nauseous. I get this weird feeling in my stomach, almost like there are butterflies there, and my face turns bright red! But I still feel content and glad that I feel these things."

"Mhm okay," Junko now has a small grin on her face. She clearly knows something you don't know.

"What I wanna know is, is everyone else experiencing this? Maybe it's some sort of symptom from-"

"Hold up, I'm gonna stop you right there!" You are silenced as Junko points a finger at you, shaking her head doubtfully. "A symptom? That's your best conclusion?"

Why does she have such a serious look on her face? Did I make a huge mistake or something?

"What else could it be? I mean, I've never felt this way before, especially whenever I'm around anyone."

She then bursts out laughing, arms wrapped around her stomach clenching it as she tries to keep her balance. "Wow (y/n), you're more oblivious than I thought! No wonder you came to me for advice."

You are more and more confused by the second until it dawns on you. "Does that mean...I'm the only one that feels these weird things? What's wrong with me?! Can I be cured?!"

"Woah woah calm down! I'm sure there are people in similar...situations" you notice her glancing to the floor for a second, hurt filling her eyes. But she hides it again before you can ask her what's wrong.

"Y'know, I think Sayaka would be a good one to ask for advice too! She's probably got these same feelings that you have, maybe a bit different but it's more than what I feel!"

The same...but different? Welp, it's the best I can get I guess.

"I'll try and talk to her later then. Thanks Junko!" you reach out and hug her to show your gratitude, after all, she did help a bit. Even if it seemed like she was hiding some information...

You start to leave the A/V room but just before you leave Junko calls out "Good luck (y/n)! Let me know when you figure it out!" You smile back towards her and head towards Sayaka's dorm, but notice that Makoto is already there talking to her.

Wow those two really can't spend five minutes apart, can they? I'll probably have to wait until tomorrow to speak to her.

You go and grab some food for later and then quietly slip into your dorm without either of them even acknowledging your existence and that's where you stay for the rest of the day. Speaking to Taka probably isn't the best thing to do since you're so uncertain about how you feel, and he always worries about you. As much as you want to talk to him...

No! You'll just cause more trouble for him. I need to sort myself out first, otherwise I  won't be able to face him again!

After distracting yourself in your room all day and nibbling on some snacks, the nighttime announcement plays and you finally go to sleep, questions floating around in your head with the answers unattainable...for now.


A/N: HI I'M STILL ALIVE AND WRITING! :D I guess I procrastinated since I needed to write some free time events so stuff can progress and there's none with Taka yet sooo I guess I lost motivation :'( BUT AAAAAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 1K READS!! I honestly never thought I would get this many and that so many people have still been reading this book even with the huuuge lack of updates! Don't worry tho, I'll try not to procrastinate again and the next chapter is already written so yay!

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