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Disclaimer: I do not own this character or this part of the story, this is just here so you know what part of her story she is at when my story starts!

   With only ten feet to the yacht, Fennrys's head suddenly snapped up as if he'd been hit by an invisible train and he flew backward through the air twenty feet, blood spouting from his muzzle in a bright crimson arc.
   "Fennrys's!" Mason screamed, confused and horrified.
   When Rory suddenly faded into view, her confusion vanished.
   But not her horror.
   Dread flooded Mason's chest, drowning the hope that had so recently flourished there. Rory stalked after the Fennrys Wolf, lifting his gleaming silver hand high in the air to bring it down in a hammer blow on the Wolf's flank. Mason could almost feel his ribs breaking and she cried out as that gleaming silver fist descended again and again, pummeling the golden Wolf like thunder.
   She saw the great beast struggle to rise and then fall again. And again...
   She saw red staining the golden fur...
   And then all she saw was red.

AN: if you want more of Mason's story, read the Starling trilogy by Lesley Livingston.

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