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Just a fun one shot. Please commit,  like, and share. Thanks. 

"Do you really think it's a good ideal for you to be doing that?" Clint's voice radiated down from the celling of my office.

"No, but this stupid desk is in the way and it has to be moved. Why, you don't think I can do it?" I said as I heaved the desk to the other side of the office space. Now pushing it on my hands and knees.

"Nope, just afraid of your husband. He did tell me to look after you while he was gone."

"Yes I know but since he is not here and you are hanging like a bat from the rafters I decided to do it myself." I said with a smirk.

"Ema!" Oh crap, I thought as I head his work voice boom from above me. I looked up giving him an innocent look. Batting my eyelashes some.  "And who exactly told you that you could be pushing and pulling on heavy things right now," he questioned with an eyebrow raised.

My eyes shot above my head. "Well, my babysitter was hanging around like a bat and you Robocop weren't here so I decided to do it myself." I said with a sarcastic tone.

Clint gave a mock look of shock and just snickered.

"You know what the doctor said, you don't need to be pulling and pushing things around right now." He said with authority.

"Oh, please that was like two weeks ago, I'm not that fragile Bucky." I said standing up as I finally got my desk in the perfect location.

"Well, it's not every day that a man calls home only to find out that his wife has a concussion."

"Yes, I know. But training exercises happen. It wasn't like Steve said let's see if I can knock some since into Ema. He already knows I'm a little crazy. I mean come on, I married you." Bucky just shook his head. He had learned it was no use to argue with me on something so trivial. I head Clint snicker in returned he received a death glare from Bucky.

"Lighten up Sargent," I said as I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"That should take care of the lighting issue, Ema." Clint said as he lowed himself down with one arm from the ceiling. "I'm just going to leave now before Sarg here gets his metal arm in a knot." I tried unsuccessfully not to laugh as he headed out the door but it was too funny.

Bucky crossed his arms and looked at me with amusement. "You through yet?"

"Yep I think so," I said as I stated giggling again, this time biting my lip trying to stop. I looked up at him through my eyelashes. "If it helps I did miss you."

"Come here." He pulled me into a hug and gave me a loving kiss. "I missed you too doll. Now come on," he said taking my hand and leading me out of my office, "let's get out of here. That way I can show you how much I missed you." He said with a husky voice.

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