Chapter 9:

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"What in had- hell did you think you were doing?!" I asked, well yelled, as I stormed over to Bella. 

One might think I was a daughter of Zeus instead of Poseidon. She just sat there, seemingly dazed, staring at her hands.

Sighing, I decided to try a different approach and I walked up to her, squatting down and taking her hands, only for her to flinch. I rubbed her hands, trying to get them warm. 

Just as I was about to ask again why I had just rescued her from the ocean, Jacob showed up with the truck. Helping Bella stand up, I got her over to the truck as Jake was fumbling with the heater.

Just as I was about to get in I realized my motorcycle was still up at the Cullen's, where I'd stashed it.

"I'll meet you guys at home, I've got to go get my bike." Jacob just nodded, distracted by his fussing over Bella. I just sighed, closing the door. He is so infatuated.

Walking along the beach, I kept going until I was out of werewolf line of sight, though they were both probably long gone. I figured now might be a good time to try out some long-distance vapor travel.

Envisioning a space 5ft away from my bike, I also envisioned the Cullen residence on a map. Vapor traveling was easier when I knew more specific things about my destination. Feeling my body seemingly dissolve, it felt much like being in the middle of an out-of-control hurricane.

I hit the ground with a thud.

Looking around, I was very surprised to see a blurry bike in front of me. It worked! And that was the last thought I had before I passed out.


Okay, I admit, I probably shouldn't have vapor traveled that far. 

But what can I say? I'm a Jackson, and we can be extremely reckless. I'm just glad the rain isn't a problem for me.

I did some weird daughter of the water god thing, where I created a bubble around me AND the bike AND the road. So, technically, I was driving on a dry road, inside the bubble.

Cool, right? I thought so too.

I turned the corner to Charlie's house and saw Jake and Bella all cuddled up. Slowing to a stop, I decided to walk the extra 20 meters to the house, letting whatever was happening in that heated cab hopefully get even more heated.

It didn't.

They just kind of kept glancing at each other, real close and in perfect make-out position, and Bella just looked constipated.

Apparently, she picked up some bad habits from that vamp. 

I finally got to the driveway when Bella jumped out of the truck, Jake yelling at her.

"No Bella, it's a trick. Stop! You gotta come with me." 

He grabbed her arm, but she tried to yank it away. "They won't hurt me!" 

I ran over to them as Jacob started explaining.

"Look, if a Cullen's back here, it's their territory. The treaty says we can only defend on our own lands, I can't protect you here."

"Okay. It's okay you don't have to." She's being ridiculous.

I stepped into the conversation. "Bella, we don't even know if it's really them. It could be Victoria for all we know." I said, trying to be logical. She wasn't having any of it.

"You're about to cross a line."

"Then don't draw one. Please." And that was the end of that.

Bella hurried up the steps before shutting the door on my foot. 

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