Cat's out of the Bag

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Alrighty, guys, get ready, this one is a biggie. Hope you all enjoy as we approach our ending!
Carlisle POV:

Throughout my long life, I've encountered many things that surprised me, yet, it has been some time since anything truly shocked or confused me. Witnessing an intoxicated Lily and unknown boy arrive in our yard on the back of a giant canine is one for the books.

My family was busy moving our belongings back into our home when Lily magically appeared from a tree on the back of a mastiff the size of a garbage truck. Only for the red-eyed beast to disappear just a quickly.

"Why the Hades did she drop us here? I don't wanna see them."

"More importantly, why did she leave me? If I shadow traveled right now my head would split open and we'd end up in Narnia. And who's them?"

I do believe that's my cue to be the family patriarch. "I believe that would be us."

The way both teenagers snapped their heads around was eerie, but it was quickly negated by Lily losing her balance and falling into the boy. Righting herself quickly Lily stood, glaring at us all before simply deciding to walk away. Alice quickly sped in front of Lily before I could stop her, grabbing her by the shoulders and stopping her in place. The sword that quickly appeared in front of Alice's throat stunned us more than the giant canine, while Lily's poker face at said weapon and wielder as she stood unswayed by its appearance just added to the confusion. Silence still reigned as everyone stood in anticipation as Alice let the girl go, before deciding to act as a vampire barricade in Lily's path. Lily put her hand atop the drawn blade, urging its owner to lower it as she spoke, "What do you want?"

"I want to know what the hell happened to you! Do you know how worried we were-", Lily scoffed", -when you suddenly took off and we couldn't follow? The only reason we even came back without you is that Bella and Edward convinced me you'd be fine on your own." At this point in Alice's rant, Lily decided to try walking away again, this time in the opposite direction. "You just up and vanish and decide to go and get yourself wasted after we find out you're a freaking witch. You run away like a coward? What the hell is wrong with you?"

One of Alice's final comments stopped Lily in her tracks as the other boy looked at her in confusion. Was he just as surprised at this revelation as we'd been? Alice had arrived home with quite the story. I stepped forward, hoping to mediate the situation.

"We understand you might not want to speak to us right now, given your earlier statement, but I think we all would like to know what happened to you after Volterra. We only know what Alice has told us and it is all very confusing. Would you feel comfortable enlightening us?"

"What the Hades are they talking about Lily?"

Lily and the strange boy exchanged looks after he spoke before coming to some kind of agreement as he finally sheathed his sword...into thin air? Lily stood stock still for a good minute before turning back to us, a look of sullen acceptance appearing on her face.

"So you all want to know what happened? Before? During? After? You all want the truth?" Her emphasis on truth confused me. My reply to her suspicious query was interrupted by the son I least expected to answer.

"Yes. We would like to know the truth, but only what you feel comfortable telling us. We were worried about what had happened to you but we won't force you to tell us, Lily."

Jasper's POV:
She seemed to be testing us now.

When Lily arrived with a stranger on the back of a hell beast, I knew we would find no easy answer to that one.

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