Chapter 3 : A girl should never be without bacon

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I glanced down at Audrey who was still softly snoring on my shoulder. I had been awake for almost a half hour now, but I couldn’t move for fear of waking her. She needs all the rest she can get. She doesn’t deserve this, her foster parents need to stop leaving her home alone while there off doing god knows what. I always tell them she can stay here, but they constantly refuse. They think I’m a bad influence. 

Audrey stirred slightly, rolling off me and onto her back. I took the opportunity to get up and go start on breakfast, or lunch I guess. It’s already 1:30pm. I jogged down the stairs and slipped into the kitchen and walked straight to the fridge, fishing out the bacon. 

“Good afternoon son.” 

I whipped around to see my dad haveing a glass of water and leaning against the island staring straight at me. I shot him a funny look. 

“Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”

“Usually yes, but when the police called to confirm their appointment with Audrey, I decided to stay home.” 

I stared dumbfounded. Well, glad I don’t have to explain things. 

“You know the whole story?” 

“Yes, well what the police know anyways.” 

I sighed and started to cook the bacon and eggs. Audrey would be hungry when she woke up. 

“Is she alright? I mean emotionally, the police told me she wasn’t hurt.” 

I ran my hands through my hair and groaned 

“Honestly dad, I don’t think so. She cried, then yelled at her foster mom. You know she never cries. And her foster parents! She always just lets them walk over her. Not saying thats good but she just never yells. Ever.” 

Dad blew out a long breath. 

“Did you tell her she can stay? And as long as she wants?” 

“No not yet, but I will this morning.” I paused and groaned “I don’t know what to do dad.” 

He straightened and walked over to pat me on the back. 

“You’ll figure it out. You’re a smart kid.” 

“I’m eighteen!” 

He laughed and disappeared into the hallway. I shook my head and laughed silently. Dad always knew how to cheer me up. Hopefully I can do the same for Audrey. Maybe I’ll take her out after we stop by the police station, she’s probably going to need it. 

“Good morning! Why didn’t you wake me up?” 

I turned around to see Audrey standing there still half asleep. Her hair was a mess and her make-up was smudged all over her face. I laughed to myself. Crazy how something so messy could look so adorable. 

“Hey! What are you laughing at!” 

“Nothing, nothing. By the way it’s afternoon and I didn’t wake you because I thought you could use the sleep.” 

She walked over and smacked me across the shoulder blade. Causing me to crack up all over again. 

“Seriously! What?” 

“How do I put this nicely... You look absolutely crap-tastic.” 

Her face contorted into a weird expression. She scrunched up her nose and tilted her head to side just a little. I couldn’t help but laugh all over again. She’s just so cute. She raised her hand to smack me across the shoulder blade again. 

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