Chapter 5 : A girl should know monopoly makes everything better.

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Freaking weirdo. How is that not burning her tongue. I’m sitting here sucking on an ice cube and she’s just happily eating away.

I spat the ice cube into the sink and picked up a freshly cooled piece of pizza and started eating. 

“Carefully now don’t burn your tongue.” 

I scowled playfully at her and dug in. I can’t believe someone would threaten her like that. Why would anybody want to hurt Audrey, and what do they mean before her 18th. What happens on her 18th? 

I glanced over at her as she picked up another slice of pizza. She was still wearing my shirt. JUST my shirt. I mean sure she’s wearing underwear, but god when I first saw her I nearly died. She looked so hot. I spent the entire movie trying not to look at her legs, and failing miserably. I’m a guy okay, and those are nice legs. Not to mention a guy who’s in love with her. She’d be crazy not to notice all the staring I’ve been doing! 

“What are you thinking about?” 


“Yeah you’ve got this look on you face like...”

She proceeded to make a ridiculous face that I’m sure, looked nothing like the face I was just making. So I laughed a her. 

“I’m sure my face looked nothing like that.” 

“Yes it did! Or maybe it was more like this...”

She proceeded to make a whole bunch of random faces cracking me up. God she kills me sometimes. I barley managed to speak through my laughter.

“I did... not... that” 

“You did.”

I sobered and sent her a menacing look. 

“Really now?”


I grabbed her by the waist and threw her on the couch. I leaned over her and started to tickle her. 

“Is that still what I looked like?” 

“Y-yeah! Y-you did!” 

She still wouldn’t give so I straddled her on the couch. 


“Not until you admit that my face didn’t look like that!” 


I laughed evilly and kept tickling her. Her squirming increased and her face was starting to go red. 

“Whoa now you two keep it PG please.” 

Audrey and I whipped our heads around to see dad. I paused for just long enough for Audrey to buck me off and run away. I heard my door slam and her laughing loudly. Her voice carried as she screamed across the house.



I groaned and sat down. 

“Dad you made me lose.” 

“Well that sucks for you, doesn’t it?” 

I laughed at him. 

“You just like Audrey better.” 

“Not going to deny that?” 

I grabbed a pillow and smacked him over the head with it. Then he grabbed it and smacked me with it twice. 

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