Chapter 1 The Start of a New Feeling...

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*Heart Throb*

*Thump* *thump* *thump*

Do I really love him? Or is this just a simple crush? Well it is part of puberty where you can't help think about the opposite sex but why does this feel like more than just a crush, I must be out of my head........

My heart always starts to beat fast when he's around me or when ever I think about him, I always get nervous around him ever since we met, I never felt this feeling before, I-I'm probably just imagining stuff.... *sight*

...... A couple of months a go this boy transferred to my school, his name was Steven Knight, he was  an average ordinary boy who wore glasses that everyone agreed that looked good on him, he had this black hair and his hair was sort of long I mean longer than the other boys, eyes that looked like stars whenever you look at them, but no one ever saw him smile, He was about the same age as me and we were in the same year level too but we weren't classmates we were just schoolmates, I always see him in library reading all the kind of books that the library had, I always saw him alone in the excact same spot everytime I went to the library, I have observed that almost everybody was shy to go near him and no one never really had the courage to talk to him.

...... One day we had this homework that was due right after lunch time and so did all of my schoolmates had the same assignment and everybody always goes to the library to work on their homework's, I rushed to the library right after I took my lunch and to my suprise which I was suspecting..... The library was packed with students of the same year level as me, I searched and searched for an empty seat to do my homework but sadly i found no available seats except te seat beside Steven Knight......

I was so shocked that the only seat available was the seat beside him..... Then I asked him

" U-uh can I have a seat beside you there are no more vacant seats in the library except this one... S-so can I please sit b-beside you? " (I said with a trembling voice)

" ....... alright " (He said with a deep voice)

" T-thank you very much "

I sit down next to Steven as he continues reading books and I gotta say I was really nervous about sitting beside him I mean I probably was the only one who had the courage to speak to Steven and I was thankful that I finally got to sit and do my homework

* Then there was silence between us *

As I was about to finish my Homework Steven suddenly asked

" Hey do you think i'm a frightening person? " ( He said with his head down )

" U-uh... N-no I don't actually.... W-why do you ask? " ( i said trembling again)

" Well it's been a couple of month's already but no one has ever talked to me and people are always trembling or afraid when i'm around "

" O-oh i-is that w-what you t-think? W-what I think is t-that everyone is j-just s-shy around you "

" Just like you are now with me? " ( He said with his head held high and a smile )

( My eyes would be shocked for I never saw such a smile that would shine as bright as his )

" W-what do you mean by that? " ( As I would blush with crimson as I said that ) 

" Well your not speaking clearly and your blushing" ( As he would touch my cheeks softly )

( As I would blush even more than before ) * Then there was silence again *

" I better go now I'm Steven by the way " (As he would get up and and touch my head and walk away) 

( As he walks out the library I would suddenly put my head down blushing and thinking about what just happend ) 

" WHAT JUST HAPPEND???!!! " ( I would shout this in my head ) 

This is my first story so please be nice and please vote and comment I'll try my hardest to get the second part done right away ASAP!!! Thanks For Reading Guys!!! 

                                                                                                                                         ~ Forever & Always <3

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