Chapter 6 The Field Trip Part 2

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So sorry guys!!! I have like this writters block but i'll try to over come it all for you guys!!! >.<! And now I will start putting smileys on my stories to make it more kawaii ( look it up )

Sorry I haven't been updating my story!!! Please Forgive me T-T

I'll make it up to you.... Somehow....

And I will also put Italics on the words being said...

Enjoy the story guys!!!

~~~ The Firld Trip Part 2 ~~~

As we arrive to our destination we at somewhat a field a big field with plain grasslands for miles and miles.... probably as far as the eye could see... ( Sorry got out of topic )

Everyone got off the bus still with the FAKE handcuffs and i'm stuck with the worst possible person I can possibly think of  -.-' Steven Knight

It was all thanks to my friends I got stuck with him and I can't belive the Pres. did it too -.-' huh I sure want to die now -.-'

' Everyone Chattering '

" Ohhh :O..... Such A Big Field I could shout out what ever i'm feeling and let my feeling out freely without anyone judging me... "

" Ohhh... :O You're right I would do that same thing too if I were alone here "

" I wanna come back here..... Alone "

" Ya me too "

* Wind Blows out of nowhere *

" Ahhhhh!!!.... The Wind Feels Great!!! "

" Ya I know right, an open field a cold wind breeze I wouldn't mind living here "

" You can say that again! "

" Ya I know right, an open field a cold wind breeze I wouldn't mind living here "

" I didn't mean it literally! "

" But you still said to say it again so.... Blee :P "

* Gosh they are so annoying at times like this -.-' *

Tries Stretching my hands but suddenly feel a weight on my hands and suddenly remember....
Me and Steven are cu-cuffed together....

" Stop putting so much weight on your hand you perverted alien! I'm trying to stretch here! "

" Ooo.... That's really not a bad idea :O "

Both of us Stretching up and down left and right rotate rotate punch punch

" Ooo... You can punch hard... I can see it from the wind that just passed from your fist... "

" Are you under estimating me or something? " >.<

" That was a compliment " Then he would touch me on the head gently and brush it gently patting me ( :3 kawaii )

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