Chapter 15 The Confession

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  • Dedicated to Lou Christine Gatoc

Hey Guys! So i've decided to put mmm.... what is it called again? Author's Words or something? well whatever... i've decided to put it in the beginning instead of the end because the stories i've recently red has it at the beginning and  I think it would be best too ^_^....

Ohhh btw before I forget All of the stories I have written are my ideas and not someone else >:3 Just in case you were wondering >:3

Ohh yeah and i've decided to put in POV's too >:3

POV's = Point of View

I've also figured out a name for the heroin of the story! It's Alexes because it fits!

I don't know if you just skipped this part and red the story but I need to remind all of you The story is almost done! Sorry T-T

*Puppy Dog Eyes*

Anyway here's the story enjoy!!!

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*Steven's POV*

'Is it really that difficult to figure out who i'm into?' I said to myself 'Well i've never been really showing signs that i'm interested in _______ except for the fact that we've been recently hanging out.... a lot' 

" Will you please just tell me? " She said

I then ignored her and looking down hiding my eyes in depression

" If you can't tell me wh- " She said

" Then what would you do if I tell you? " I said cutting her off

A tear would then start to fall from her eyes...

" I... Don't... Know... " I said crying

I then hold her in the arm's and pulled her gently to my chest... Hugging her tightly...

' I should probably tell her... but if I do then out relationship will be on the line... I don't care anymore... I would probably just tell her here and now... '

" W-What are y- " Alexes said

" You really don't know who I like? " I asked her again

" I told you I don't- " She said crying in my arms

Cutting her off I would then grab her by the chin to face me and I then passionately kiss her on the lips...

" Alexes... I love you.. "

* Alexes POV

' He kissed me... He said he loves me... I don't know how to reply to his question... I don't even know how I feel about him... I mean it's like I feel happy when i'm with him and I sometimes stare at him in class for no real reason, He has always helped me when I need him and he's always there for me, He's kind to me, Whenever he's near I feel butterflies in my tummy :3 And I always look forward when both of us hangout... I really don't know what i'm feeling it's like the first time I ever felt this before and I don't know how to face it...'

I never felt so happy in my life when He kissed me and said he loves me... I was so happy I was speechless...

* Steven's POV

She's been quiet for quite sometime now... I never should have done that... I think our whole friendship is going downhill... This is probably for the best... At least she knows how I fell about her... I should probably go and give her some space...

" It's alright if you don't wanna answer me... I understand... I guess i'll be off then... " I said hurt...

I then walk away going the other direction of her... When something stopped me...

* Alexes POV

' If I don't say anything now... Our whole relationship would be over... I might never get another chance... To say how I really feel about him... I think I understand my feelings for him clearly now... I need to stop him somehow... I don't wanna lose him... I have to act quick... '

I would then throw an eraser from my pocket at Steven... hitting him on the back

" WAIT A SEC! " I then should at Steven 

He would then turn around as I see pain filled face...

" You never gave me enough time to answer! I was just shocked at what you said and you kissed me out of nowhere... I so happy that it left me speechless... " I said crying

Steven would then come back closer to me and hold me tightly in his arms...

" Then.... "

He would then kiss me on the forehead and ask

" Do you love me? "

I would then lean closer to his face to kiss him on the lips...

" Of course I do... " I said happily with a smile on my face...

" Then... Can I ask you... Will you be my girlfriend? " 

I would then kiss him on checks...

" Yes! Yes! Yes! " I said happily As I Hug him tightly

* Candy's POV

You're probably wondering why i'm hanging out with Sam and Jeremy... we are not hanging out! We are just going the same direction and we hapened to be walking together! -.-'

" Hey guy's did you hear that? It sounded like Alexes " I asked Steven and Sam

" You heard it too I thought it was just my imagination! " Jeremy said

" You don't even wanna know what i'm thinking right now... " Sam said

I would then slap Sam on the face hardly

" YOU BIG PERVERT!!! " I screamed at Sam

" I think he deserved that just now... " Jeremy said

" Both of you are mean! T-T " Sam said

" Anyway.... We should check it out...  I think it came from over there by the park "

The three of us would then go to the park to see if what we heard was Alexes or not... am to our surprise... We saw Alexes and Steven hugging with tear filled eyes and happiness as we startedto eavesdrop on them...

We would then hear Alexes say

" I love you too... "

Our faces would then be filled with shock...


I'm still going to put some author's words at the last part >:3 Did you like this Chapter? It's almost done! Ohh btw I will be posting the picture of each Person on the cast :3 In this chapter it's Candy :3 I'll posting other pics on previous Chapters i'll just Status on who's pic is on what chapter and stuff liek that and i'll be posting it on the nxt Chapter so don't worry!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2012 ⏰

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