twelve ⇢ sleepover!

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mackenzie ziegler


"hi mum," i sluggishly chuck my belongings on the ground, making a rather loud noise. i trot over to the kitchen bench, sitting down on to the barstool.

"are you alright, honey?" she questions me, as she pumps a couple of pumps of foamy soap into her hands and then rinsing it under the cold water.

"i don't know," i rest my head in my hands. "getting mixed signals from a boy." as you can tell my mum and i are rather close. whenever maddie isn't here to talk, my mum always is. it doesn't matter about the topic, she is always in to listen.

"continue," she wipes her hands on a towel and then sitting herself down on the barstool next to me. 

"well, today he completely friend zoned me as soon as i thought we were catching feelings for each other," i sigh, loudly.

"aw, my baby, finally having some boy problems." she scruffles my hair and exiting her seat beside me.

"what's that supposed to mean?" i lift my head out of my hands and scrunch my eyebrows together.

"look, how about you invite nads over for a sleepover and go have a cute, little photo shoot tomorrow." she starts to clean up the dirty dishes that lay beside the empty sink, that is now being filled with soapy, cold water.

i sigh, and nod at mum. i swipe my phone off the kitchen counter and dial nadia's number.

"hello?" he questioned voice rings through the phone. i smile at her voice, ringing through my ears.

"hey nads, what are you up to?" i slowly walk up the stairs, trying to focus on the conversation.

"oh, hey kenz, i'm just getting my nails done." i chuckle at her answer, such a nadia thing to be doing.

"wanna come over for a sleepover?" i jump onto my squishy bed, snuggling into the pillow. i hear some muffling, sounding like she was saying 'thank you' to her nail technician.

"sorry, what was that kenz?" i chuckle as she had completely zoned out from our phone call.

"come over, we can do a photo shoot, do some facemasks, watch movies. you know the drill," i repeat myself.

"sounds good," she pauses. "let me go home and grab my stuff. i'll be 30 minutes away."  i hear her car door slam through the line. "love you."

"love you too, nads. see you soon." i click the bright, red button at the bottom of my screen, ending the call. i look up at the ceiling thinking about life.


i impatiently wait for nadia to turn up at my house. it's not exactly the nicest day, raindrops start to splatter over my window. i watch all the cars drive by, hoping one will pull up my driveway.

the sound of my phone catches me from my thoughts. i look down to see a text from johnny. i immediately throw my phone onto my bed, not wanting to think about the situation that happened today.

nadia's small but cute car pulls up. i quickly jump out of my seat and rush down my stairs to greet her at my front door. "nads!" i envelop her into a big hug. "i've got so much to tell you." i admit.


"that's harsh." she cringes. i had just told nadia about the whole johnny and i situation.

"i know, and i thought we were just starting to get closer." i groan and flop backward. "what am i meant to do!" she sits on my bed in silence, obviously trying to find a way to match johnny and i up. nadia is the best matchmaker.

"how about we have a get-together tomorrow at the beach," she speaks up. "our whole group can come and you can invite johnny along too." she smiles at me.

"that's an idea," i smile back at her. "i'll text the group now."


kenzie sent a message to the group
" the 6 dwarfs "


okay, children! pack your swimsuit because
tomorrow we are hitting the beach!


yes i get to see annie in a bikini

i love when we go to the beach!


hayden don't try to cover what you just sent


okay guys this is a big deal for kenz
it's not just our normal group meetings at the beach
she trying to hit it off with a boy


nadia, that's not the best way to put it




oooo kenzie got a boyfriend 


get it gurl!


guys stop its not that big of a deal


not that big of a deal?


kenz its a big deal
you haven't had a boyfriend since fucktard ashton


ew ashton 


hate his gut


what did i miss?




just text me babe


to much love dovey shit for me
see ya!


hey everyone, i'm alive!

i'm now off school till feburary 3rd, so i was thinking of updating this book more often even though i've forgotten the whole plot but #yolo OR i start a new jenzie or shawn book.

leave a comment what you want and make sure to vote! :P 

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