"The Preview for the End"

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"Oh Joseph you know you can't get away you know you like my breasts a lot. I can't help but think you're very attracted to them now you know as well as I do you can't escape now you're going to be squished between two big lumps of meat and you're going to love it don't worry sweetie I'll rub you down good first and you'll be very loved. Don't worry sweetie it'll be so sexy you're going to love every second of it I got you right where I want you. I know I'm the Angel of Death and All but I can't help but think you're very attracted if you did fall here into my breasts don't worry sweetie... there's not going to be a second you won't love so you're going to die very lovingly between my breasts are you ready sweetie?~"
*I struggle as hard as I can to get out of her breasts but she slowly closes them on me*
I get trapped between two beautiful piles of meat in the angel of death I'm going to die I know it. She looks at me and laughs cruelly. And rubs me down as hard as she can without hurting me too much teasing me with beautiful pleasure as I let loose again and again. Finally she gets ready to squeeze me and squeeze the life out of me.
"oh sweetie that was so great you know your pleasure by my breast I know you're a foot guy what it seems you can't even help being rubbed by two big beautiful piles of meat! Don't worry this will be very quick I love you sweetie and I'm sorry that it had to end like this goodbye my love!~"
*she slowly closes them and it starts to hurt and she rubs it down on me it feels wonderful and painful I hope to God and every God that had this plan they enjoy this because I'm going to die I can't take it anymore am I really going to die like this?"
(Don't worry this is a mid book preview to the end it's not really the middle it's more like a little bit of the middle of the beginning. But don't worry still much more to come)

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