Him... - Jake

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I knock on the door, hoping to find someone to buy the light bulbs I've been given to sell. Instead, I'm greeted by a beautiful brunette. She walks up onto the front yard with a boy.

"We're not interested." a voice says from behind her. She punches the boy.

"Jughead! Sorry what would you like?" asks a beautiful British voice.

"I'm Jake Moore. Would you be interested in helping me with a simple survey?" I asks.

"Sure. What do I need to do?" she asks.

"Kiss me."

"In your dreams, I have a boyfriend." she replies.

The boy pushes past her. He's taller than me by about an inch, but he's angry, he must be her boyfriend.

"Get lost Moore. We don't want you here and Dylan won't kiss you."

I nod but walk up to Dylan and grab a handful of her butt. Jughead looks like he's going to kill me but then Dylan elbows me in the stomach, stamps on my foot, punches me in the nose and finally elbows me in the nut sack. I fall to the ground in pain and Jughead smirks at me. Damn I hate this guy already.

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