Welcome to fairy tail!

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Another update!! Hope you enjoy it!!

Disclaimer:I do not own fairy tail or any of it's characters

After a while three boys around Iana's age came in

"oh look the princess is awake" said Tyler gesturing towards Iana.

"Geez you sound like loke" she mumbled

"what, who's loke?" Asked Jace

"he's one of mama's spirits he trained me along with all the other spirits" she thought back to the memories and started to shake when it came to Aquarius's training.

Iana looked up at the three boys the one on the right was Jace, he had a small smile that was full of care, next to him was Tyler who had a smirk and on the left was simon, he had a an emotionless face, in her opinion they were all pretty hot but the one in the middle was a player and she knew this thanks to loke.

" oh right we should introduce our selfs, hi, I'm jace" he held his hand out for her to shake and she did before turning to Tyler

" hey I'm tyl-" she turned away from him and looked at the boy on the end

" hey aren't you interested in your future husbands name?" She looked at him

"I'm not marrying you I'd rather be in the sea with Aquarius than marry you!" Natsu started laughing again along with Jace and the other boy.

"fine" he turned away pouting.'he kind of looks cute like that.... No bad Iana I'm not gonna fall for him bad,bad Iana, he's a playboy!' she mentally slapped herself.

" Hey I'm Simon" this boy had a red tattoo over he's eye and scruffy blue hair.

"ummm I'm Iana,Iana heartfilia" she put her hand out to shake Simons hand while Tyler was sulking in the corner. Iana tried to get out of bed but stumbled

"hey are you sure your ready to be walking around?" Jace asked grabbing hold of her and pulling her up straight.

"Yes because I have to find mama"she said trying to pull away

"Iana your not going on your own" Natsu said pulling her back to the bed

"but Natsu I have to find her and I bet you do too so let's go" she said trying to stand up again

"you can hardly walk yet and no one knows where she is so we are not going yet!" Natsu said sitting her down again

"fine but can I at least get out of this room?" Natsu stared at her then sighed then handed her some clothes that Mira left for her earlier

"meet us outside when your done" he said before gesturing to every one to get out. Happy flew out first followers by Jace then simon who was dragging Tyler along with him then when Natsu reached the door he turned around

"we are going to find luce....I promise" then with that he walked out. Iana Smiled and began to get dressed.

When she entered the guild hall she was nearly hit by a flying table. Every one was being Normal Elfman was ranting on about being a man while Evergreen was scolding him for it,Happy was trying to give Carla a fish and she just gave it to their kitten,Natsu and Gray were fighting about the table nearly hitting Iana, Tyler and Jace were fighting while Simon was trying to ignore them. Yep every thing was normal.

" ummm......Natsu" she said just over a whisper. No reply. She attempted to go up to him but was stopped by a little blue haired girl tugging at her clothes. She looked down

"umm...hello?" She said to the young bluenette

"do you know where my mummy is?" She said in a shy voice.

"you don't know we're your mummy is?.......nor do I how about I help you find your mummy?"

She took the little girls hand and started to pull her around the guild. On her way around the guild she met some.....interesting characters some of them freaked her out but some welcomed her like Mira. Soon she gave up and took a seat at the bar.

"Oh hey Iana what would you like?" She gave her a sweet smile that would melt your heart.

" can I have an orange juice please" Mira quickly went to get her the drink.

"Hey Iana can I talk to you?" Shouted Tyler from across the guild. She looked at him and shouted back

"fine but you can come here!" He pouted and started to make his was over. When he reached the bar Iana had already gotten her drink and Mira was giving Cana another barrel of alcohol.

"So what do you want?" Iana said taking another sip of her drink.

"Well first of all why have you kidnapped Jace's little sister are you a perv or something" he said with a smirk looking at the young bluenette. Iana looked down at the young girl then back up again.

"No it's just she can't find auntie levy" he looked at her with wide eyes

"auntie?" He asked

"yes mama told me all about her, I really like her and she said I could borrow some books!" Iana's eyes lit up at the last part.

"Ummmmmm ok. I also wanted to ask you what magic do you use?" She looked at him and smiled, when he saw her he looked confused.

"How about I show you" she stood up and raised her hand in the air

"I would step back if I was you" as she said this she closed her eyes. Tyler took a step back still observing carefully. With a flash of light a giant axe appeared in her hand. It was identical to the one of taurus.

"So your a re-quip Mage?" He said confused

"not exactly" her smile turned into a smirk. The axe disappeared and in its place wool started to come out of her hands

"WOOL CUSHION!!!" With that Tyler was swept of his feet into a cushion of pink fluffy wool.

"Wow, what magic do you use exactly?" She made the pink clouds of wool disappear.

"I'm a celestial power summoner, instead of summoning the spirit I simply borrow some of their power. I've got contracts with all of Mama's keys, they taught me their power's and when I need them they lend me some of their power" he smiled.

"I'm an ice Mage like my old man, Jace is a solid script Mage like auntie levy and Simon is a re-quip Mage like auntie Erza" Tyler explained.

"Cool" Iana replyed sitting back in her seat

"So was there anything else you wanted to say" she asked. A grin spread across his face

"Welcome to fairy tail"


So how was it???? Hope you enjoyed it I'll do another update soon!






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