I love you

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I hope you all like this nalu fanfic! I know I loved writing it:D anyway here is the first chapter 'I love you'

Disclaimer: I do not own fairy tail or any of it's characters!!!


"No Luce!" Natsu screamed unable to stand.

Lucy had her face against the floor with a foot on her neck. "Natsu" a small amount of blood came out of her mouth

"Please......... Run" her voice was just over a whisper. You could hear the pain in her voice and see the hurt in her eyes. "No......NO! I'm not leaving without you! I promised I would protect you so I will! What happened to 'it's always more fun when we're together'?" Natsu said attempting to get back up again but failing and falling straight back down to the ground.

Tears started rolling down his cheeks "don't you remember?" He looked her straight in the eye

"don't you remember our promise?"

Flash back~

Natsu and Lucy just came back from a job and were resting in a field in the eats of magnolia forest. They talked about random topics like food, fighting , books and..... Love?

"Hey Natsu" Lucy started staring up at the night sky "hm" Natsu replied doing the same.

"Did you know that when an elephants lover dies... They will be so upset that they will dehydrate themselves until they themselves die" Lucy said in a mater-of-fact way.

"They die of a broken heart" she mumbled after a minute of silence. Natsu looked at her "Lucy....is something wrong?" His face was full of worry "no; I just want to have an elephant love" she said with a small giggle before looking at Natsu.

They stayed staring into each overs eyes for what seemed like years. Natsu inched a little closer to her looking down to her lips for a split second and looking back up to her chocolate brown eyes after.

When Natsu was only a few inches away from Lucy's lips he whispered "maybe I could be your elephant love" he said it more as a statement than a question. Then their lips crashed both passionately kissing the other for what seemed like centuries.

When they finally pulled apart for air he looked at her straight in the eye "promise me, you'll always stay by my side and I'll always stay by yours" Lucy gave a small shy smile before whispering "I promise" then they went back to kissing.

End of flash back~

"I promised I'd always stay! So I'm not going!" Natsu screamed.

"Sorry to break up your little love fest but the girl needs to die" the dark figure let out a menacing laugh as he pressed his boot agains Lucy's neck.

"Let her go! Lay one finger on her and I'll burn you to ash" Natsu screeched.

"This is for my father..." He he raised his foot back into the air "zeref!" His foot was engulfed in his dark magic before he crashed his foot into Lucy's neck.

"Lucy!" Natsu shouted. He slowly stood up, still shaking.

"Get away from her!" Natsu said in a deep voice.

"What can you do about it" the son of zeref laughed. He raised his hand and motioned for Natsu to leave and as he did so Natsu was sent flying into the wall.

"Your weak I have no need for you" he looked back down at Lucy with an ominous smirk.

"Lucy!" Natsu screamed emerging from the wall. "It's ok Natsu I think I know what to do" Lucy said with a pain filled smile.

"Open gate of the twins" she took the key from her belt "Gemini" the twins appeared as Lucy and gave her a determined nod. They held hands and simultaneously chanted

"Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens...
All the stars, far and wide...
Show me thy appearance...
With such shine.
Oh Tetrabiblos...
I am the ruler of the stars...
Aspect become complete...
Open thy malevolent gate.
Oh 88 Stars of the heaven...
Urano Metria!"

A bright light filled the room. A scream was heard. Natsu ran in the direction of Lucy with a panicked look glued to his face.

"Luce!" The light started to fade and Natsu could only see a silhouette of one person.

"Natsu" a small voice said through the fading light.

"Luce" he reached the silhouette as the light disappeared.

"We did it Natsu; we beat him" she raised her hand and placed it on his cheek. A tear rolled down her cheek as a smile spread across her face.

"No Lucy, you did it" Natsu said as tears streamed down his face.

"It's finally over, we can go home" she replied with a small giggle.

"Lucy..." Natsu's eyes went wide and he started to shake "no.....no.....no!"

Lucy's body was slowly disappearing and turning into a golden light.

"What's happening?" Natsu mumbled whilst looking at Lucy straight int the eyes. "What's going on Luce" he was frozen to the spot.

"I knew we couldn't complete a mission without something going wrong" Lucy laughed but Natsu could see the fear in her eyes burning brightly.

"Lucy don't go" Natsu mumbled. At this point Lucy's hand was glowing gold, the light spreading to the rest of her body.

"I'm sorry Natsu" Natsu held her golden hand close to his cheek

"I love you" Natsu choked out between sobs

"I love you too my idiotic dragon" she smiled. Her whole body was shining a bright golden colour as she started to disintegrate into a pile of golden dust.

"Your gonna survive, I'll find you, I promise" Natsu leaned his head against hers

"Find us Natsu" Natsu was left holding his cheek where Lucy's hand once was.

The dust that was once Lucy slowly blew away on a non existing breeze leaving Natsu alone thinking to himself 'us?'

I will find you! (Nalu fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now