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"Yes, Pauline, as I repeatedly said. I am going to try and convince the headmistress that a vegan menu in the school cafeteria is something necessary nowadays. And remind her that we all",
I made a circling gesture with my hand, pointing at Pauline and her two friends, whose names I kept on forgetting, and back to myself while staring into Pauline's eyes and optimistically nodding my head to symbolize her that we all were involved,
"should have just the animals' best interests at heart."
She looked at me, obviously not knowing whether I was being sarcastic or not, then released a deep sight and, without a word, slowly turned around and marched off with the two other girls, slightly shaking her head.
I also turned around.
"Tell me, why again did you think me being the school representative would be a good idea?"
"Well, you know... You were the lesser evil", my best friend responded.
"Ha. Ha. Very funny. At least I don't have to deal with serious problems here", I said, "You know, I sometimes wonder... How many people do you think know we even have a school representative at this school?"
"Aw, you're feeling a little underappreciated? Just remember... We made Ella step down. I think most students support you just alone because you made that bitch go away."
"Anyway, I gotta run. If I'm being late for Chad's class one more time, I feel like he's going to have me drop the course and I totally can't have that."
As she was already starting to head off, I shouted:
"Maddy! Just a little hint: You might wann start calling him Mister Westfall!"
And with the ring of the bell I headed for my own last class of the day.

After school I waited for Madison at the parking lot. We almost always shared a car, her's or mine - ever since I got mine, or rather bought it three months ago - because our houses were just two blocks apart. As she was coming out, I already saw her waving wildly and the closer she came, the wider and quicker her steps got.
"Callie! Cal! Oh. My. God. Did you already hear about the new guy?"
Before I even finished my thought, she cut off my sentence.
"No, I know you don't. You haven't seen him also, because, honey, I'd know. So anyway, I didn't either and just before the last class started, I saw this guys near my classroom and I thought 'Nice ass!' and, - Oh, I only saw his back. - and 'The boy's got style!', you know. So I walk inside the classroom, sit down, as always. Same place of course. And Sarah's like 'You seen the new hottie already?' and of course I'm like 'No, what? Why haven't I?' and so, uh, supposedly he came after the sixth lesson - Strange, huh? - aaand, anyway so then we talk, she tells me there's this new guy. Really random. And Eyleen and Savannah also join the chat and they're all like 'Yeah, I hear he's a real hottie.' and all. And, so, suddenly, this guy walkes in. Imagine. And I'm totally flashed. And you know how I knew it was him? That guy is hot! Hot, hot hot! I swear. And so he's sits down one seat away and all the girls - I'm not kidding you! -, literally every one is staring at him and then this girl.. - What's her name again? - uhh... Petra! The quiet one. Anyway, he says 'Hi' to her and she gets all red. Yeah, that was embarrassing. And yeah, it was crazy!"
"Wow. That was a monolog..." was the only thing I could say.
"Well, yeah. I guess you had to be there to get it..." she laughed a little, realizing that I did not fully comprehend her fascination of that guy.
"Great. So, let's go! I'm hungry" I suggested.
"What? Nooo. You gotta see that guy!"
"Madison. I'm sure it can wait 'til monday."
"Yeah. Mhm. And that's exactly why we're waiting here until he comes out, because if I don't show you this today, you'll hit me on monday. He's a sight!"
"Are you serious?"
She nodded.
"Argh. Come on."
I leaned onto my car. Of course I wasn't really angry with Madison and she knew that, but that's just what she always pulled. And on the one hand I got I, because just a little over one month ago, Maddy and her boyfriend broke up. And even though it was her, who ended it, they were together for almost two years and now she was desperately in need for some love. But then again, I really was hungry and I wasn't in need of a boyfriend.

Either way, we waited. She told me about how Mr. Westfall, once again, looked gorgeous in his 'teacher pants', as Madison called them. What's to know about Madison is, she never in the world would have a student-teacher affain, but she was flirty as hell. Especially since about two, maybe three months before the end of her last relationship with Paul, when she knew it was coming to an end, she got very.. well, frisky. And thus, once in class, she accidentally called her maths teacher, Mr. Westfall, by his first name - Chad. He got so nervous and a little angry, but mostly just confused and probably a little embarrassed, that Madison invented herself a new occupation during maths class, a little game. She called it 'Pull down Chad's pants'. Of course, she wouldn't actually pull down his pants, but rather make him feel as if she did. And so she basically began to just throw coquettish words at him at the end of every question she asked him and every answer she had for him. It was fun, honestly. Even for me.
"Man. This guy's gonna kill me. It's just so funny. And everybody's totally playing along. You gotta come and see it for yourself sometime. And the best thing is, he totally doesn't know what to do abou- Oh my god! There he is!!!"
Madison pointed to somewhere in front of the school. At first I couldn't make him out in the crowd of hustling, jostling students. But then, in a matter of a few seconds everyone started turning their heads into the same direction and I realized they were all starting towards the one person. The new guy. And he definitely was a sight.
"Wow." was all I could get out of my mouth.
"I told you!"
"What's his name anyway?" I said, without taking my eyes off of him.
"Uh, wait. I think I overheard. I was just so amazed in class... What was it? Uhm... Dave? Dean? Or something...? Don...? Dan! Daniel!"
I slowly said his name.
"Okay. Now, let me help you close your mouth", Maddy said.
"Ha. Ha. Ha."
I took my eyes off of Daniel and looked at my best friend.
"What's that about your career as stand-up comedian?"
"Yeah, well, it's really you who lays the groundwork." she responded.
"Okay, let's go. Seems like he's coming here. I don't want to stand around here pathetically, starting at him all the way to his car. Pretty sure someone else has that covered. Actually, many others."
And just when I was about to get behind the wheel of my vehicle, I looked up one more time and saw him starting directly at me. All the way across the school property.
"What the...?" Madison said, seeing Daniel and me looking directly at each other.
"I don't know..."
And for about ten seconds or so, it felt like there was only me and him. Staring at each other. I couldn't take my eyes off him, as if they were locked. Then he looked away and with a shudder I started the car.
"That was strange." Madison said and we drove off.

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