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Kakashi woke up next to something warm. Opening his eyes, he saw the back of a blonde head. Smiling, he cuddled into Naruto. The silverette knew what Naruto had said, but Kakashi also knew he could pretend he was sleeping...and pretend that Naruto loved him and they were a nice, normal couple. Wrapping his arms around Naruto, he sighed happily. Too soon, however, his bladder started to annoy him. Sighing, the older man got up and used the facilities.

Coming back into the bedroom quietly, he saw that Naruto was still asleep. Perhaps I could get back in bed and pretend...just for a little while. Lifting up the covers, he was just about to crawl back in, when Naruto wiggled in his sleep. "M..mm..yea...jes' lik...mmmm. Sakura!" Naruto whimpered, moving his ass. Swallowing, Kakashi lay the covers back down as his heart crashed through his feet. Walking out quietly, he started cooking some breakfast.


Naruto rolled on his back. He was having the weirdest dream. He was making out with Kakashi, and then Sakura walked in on them and started lecturing him! What a way to be cockblocked. Naruto thought grumpily. Getting up, he got dressed, following his nose to the smell in the kitchen. Rubbing his head sleepily, he smiled at Kakashi's back.

"Morning." He said. Kakashi looked over his shoulder and smiled,

"Morning. Sleep well?" he asked, keeping his voice light, even though his heart wanted to burrow through his feet.

"Yea, really good." Sitting down, he poured juice in both glasses as Kakashi slipped some poached eggs, toast, and bacon on Naruto's plate.

Smiling appreciatively, Naruto dug in. "This is really good!" He chirped after taking a few bites.

Kakashi smiled faintly. "I'm glad. I have to go to work today, so I won't be home til late. Your key should be ready by the end of today." Kakashi said as he pushed the food around on his plate. He knew he had to eat, but he just didn't want to. Opting for the coffee and juice, Kakashi looked anywhere but at Naruto.

"Oh...okay." Naruto frowned. He didn't know what was going on, but he didn't like it. "Hey, Kakashi...you okay?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" he asked, smiling, even though the smile did not reach his uncovered eye. "I better take a shower and get going." He got up, leaving his untouched food on his plate.


Kakashi walked into the laboratory. Orochimaru and Kabuto were in there, Kabuto studying slides, Orochimaru mixing...something. Kakashi walked over. "Lord Danzou wants to know how it is coming."

Orochimaru looked over at Kakashi, not trying to conceal his distaste for the silver haired man. "We have samples from all now but Uzumaki and Sarutobi. Therefore, as soon as you get samples from the fox and they come back with the kid, we should have all the samples we need. We've already started some genetic engineering and it is going nicely...with minimal side effects." Orochimaru noted as Kabuto snickered.

Kakashi detested those two. They were made for each other. Nodding, Kakashi left.

Watching the retreating form, the obsidian haired man's eyes grew thoughtful. "I don't trust him, Kabuto...it normally doesn't take him long to get someone in his bed as it is for this Uzumaki fellow. Do you think, perhaps, the assassin is developing a liability?" Orochimaru stated, laying his head on Kabuto's shoulder and kissing the delicate earlobe, looking over the younger man's shoulder.

"Oh, definitely." Kabuto smirked, turning around and wrapping his arms around his lover. "And his problem is, his liability is his weakness." Kissing Orochimaru, the bespectacled man shivered.

"I agree." Orochimaru said, eyes darkening. "Whereas my liability is my strength." He whispered, massaging Kabuto's bulge. "I do think it's time we took a break, eh?" he whispered, kissing Kabuto deeply. As Kabuto nodded eagerly, Orochimaru lifted him on the table, pushing instruments out of the way.


After reporting to Danzou about the progress, as well as giving him some "information" about the progress of Sasuke's mission, Kakashi went to the casinos to check on them. Danzou had the Akatsuki's hands in several reputable casinos, to help the money roll in for funding of the Akatsuki's main goals, as well as just generating extra cash flow. After collecting a few deposits and depositing them, ensuring the casinos were profitable, it was time for him to be able to go home. As the sun was setting, a rich golden red hue to the sky, Kakashi walked in to find Naruto was sitting on the balcony, staring off, deep in thought. Swallowing thickly, Kakashi came in. He is absolutely gorgeous. Moreover, he looks absolutely love-struck. Remembering this morning's mishap, Kakashi sighed. Why do I have to be the bearer of bad news? He needed to break the news to Naruto...he could not have Naruto go through any more heartbreak. Walking out, he looked at Naruto. "Um, Naruto...can we talk?"

Naruto looked up. "Sure, what's up?"

Kakashi took Naruto's hands. Swallowing hard, he looked at the jinchurriki. "Naruto...I...I'm sorry, but...Sakura is in love with Sasuke." Kakashi said softly, directly...he didn't know any other way.

Naruto wrinkled his nose, confused. "Ohhhkay."

Biting his bottom lip, Kakashi looked up at Naruto. "She's pregnant with Sasuke's baby...and Sasuke is very protective of her."

Naruto smiled big. "Good! Glad to hear it..." then his face fell into a frown. Looking pointedly at Kakashi, he sighed. "I hope her pregnancy is...safe."

Kakashi frowned. "Naruto...Sakura isn't coming back to you." He said gently.

Naruto frowned, looking very confused. "I...I didn't think she was. I've moved on, Kakashi." Wait...is he fucking with me? Why is he trying to talk to me about Sakura?

Kakashi sighed, rubbing his eyes. "I...I don't want to embarrass you, but I heard you this morning. You were making very...sexual, sounds, and then you mentioned Sakura's name." Kakashi looked extremely uncomfortable.

Naruto's eyebrows furrowed together, and then recognition dawned in them, as a light dusting of pink covered the bridge of the blonde's nose. "Oh! That...well..uh..." rubbing the back of his neck, Naruto didn't know what to say.

Kakashi smiled sadly, sighing and getting up. I cannot make him get over her. I've told him what I can tell him, and that is all I can do. "It's alright. Goodnight, Naruto." Walking into the apartment, he started to go to the bedroom, and then realized what he was doing and that the invitation was just for last night; trudging to the couch, pulling out the blankets and sheets, Kakashi stripped down to his boxers. Laying on the couch, he heard Naruto come in later. It sounded like the blonde hesitated near the living room, but he said nothing. A bit later, Kakashi heard the bedroom door click quietly shut, leaving Kakashi more alone than ever.

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