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I pay the taxi driver the money and hop out of the car. I take in the smell of the California air and head to the door. As I put the key in the lock I look through the window and see boxes stacked up on top of each other. Where did these come from?

I shove the door open and I stumble across brown packages. I drop my bags and pick one up. It reads,

To: Rose Montana

From: Roxi Smith, With Love.

I open it up and find two white t-shirts that have my name on it and a letter. I take the box over to the kitchen and I take a seat at the island. The shirts look really cool, I think she made them herself. I open the letter and scan it over.

Turns out she is a twitter fan and she heard about Katie's death. Roxi wrote about her life and how I changed her path for the better. She plays indoor volleyball but, prefers sand volleyball because she loves the beach. A smile appears on my face and I rush over to the other boxes ripping them open.

Some of them have gifts and some of them have letters. I make two big piles, one with letters and the other with gifts. I am about halfway done when all of a sudden my phone rings, I pick it up,


"Hi babe, I have something really important to tell you."

"Um, okay?" I say.

"So, I overheard Gilinsky and Grace talking and I found out that I was set up. Turns out that Jack is paying Grace to get a hold of me. They both planned the scene and that's why Grace kissed me and you got upset and ran away. He does this all the time, Jack hires girls and makes them get guys so that he can have the girl." He says.

"Wow. That's a lot to take in." I say and sigh.

"Yup, it makes sense now. First off, I would never cheat on you Rose." He replies.

"I believe you now, Cam. I'm just happy that we got through it together." I say. I can picture him grinning widely.

"So, what are you doing?" He asks, changing the conversation.

"I'm opening fan mail." I say with a smile.

"Really? That's great! I didn't know you had fans!" He says surprised.

"Neither did I, until I saw them on the floor when I walked in!" I say.

"Send me pictures of what you got. Okay? I gotta go or Taylor will give me a whooping." He says and we both laugh at the thought.

"Okay, I will. Bye Cam." I say sadly, I miss him so much.

"Bye Rose, I love you."

"Love you too." I say and he hangs up. I look down at my lap that is full of letters. I sigh and get up.

I walk up the stairs and head into my room, opening the door. Wow. I've really missed it here.


I put my phone down and look up to see the guys on stage. We are rehearsing for tomorrow evening. Last nights flight was rough. You could tell that it was different. Nash hasn't been himself lately, he barely talks anymore. During events he puts on a fake smile and pretends to be okay but, deep down inside you can tell that he's not.

"Yo Cam!" Says Taylor snapping me out of my thoughts. "Come on, we are heading out to eat!" He says walking off the stage. I get up and follow the group from behind as I see something around the corner that catches my eye.

I turn around to see the stage curtain shaking. What? I step closer to it and hear voices. I kneel down behind the curtain so that I can hear better.

"We need to stay undercover, Cameron can't find out about this." I recognize this voice, Jack? What does he want with me?

"Okay so what do you want me to do now?" It's a girls voice. Grace?

"Lead him on, get him to like you." Me? Like Grace? That's the least of my problems, never in a million years could this happen. Sure, Grace is pretty but, she isn't Rose.

"If Rose isn't here, he'll be coming to me like a dog and a treat." I can practically see the smirk on her face.

"Good but, do it fast. I don't know when Rose gets back so we have to act quick." He says worried.

"Don't worry, you can count on me. I've done this before, that's why I'm the best in the business." What business? Wait, she works for a company?

"And that's why I hired you." Gilinsky? Hiring girls? What going on?

They both laugh and I can't believe what I'm hearing. The whole time they've been planning this out? This all makes sense now.

That's why Jack left Grace in the room with me and that's why she kissed me. How could I have been so stupid as to not realize it.

"Can you do that for me?" He asks.

"No problem." It's a big problem for me, at least. I have to stay away from them.

"Okay then, I'll give you the money after." He says. Wait, she gets paid?

"You gonna pay me more this time?" Grace responds. I wonder how much?

"I'm a teenage boy, not a millionaire. I'll see what I can do." He replies. I sigh in relief, good answer.

"Fine, just don't forget." She snaps back. The curtain opens and they head out the back door, away from the group. I'm behind them so they can't see me. As they leave, all these questions are racing through my mind. I need to clear my head, I need to figure this out. I take out my phone and call Rose, she picks up and I explain everything to her.

"Cameron! What's the hold up?" Yells Taylor as I hang up the phone.

"Im coming, Jeez." I say as I walk up to him. "I was talking with Rose on the phone." I explain as he rolls his eyes and we hop in the limo.


It's sort 😁 sorry. I haven't had time to update but I will! PROMISE! I have a busy schedule and school starts in 2 weeks so yeah. I'll try my best to update, sorry, again.

But, FINALLY! Cameron and Rose found out the truth! What will they do now?

Okay, Peace✌️

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