Chapter One

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AN: ok, so just for this story, pretend that they all went to Norwest, which I know they didn't. At least Ash didn't.



The day Liv and Ash went missing was the day my life turned upside down.

Olivia Irwin, the younger sister of one of my best mates and the girl I had hopelessly fallen for. Now that did come with its draw backs. Like before Ashton knew we were together, he happened to catch us mid-make out which resulted in me having a black eye and him not talking to me for a month. Yeah..that made band practice difficult.

I remember talking to Liv the day before Halloween, a few days before she went missing. She had seemed normal, a little frazzled, but nothing too out of the ordinary that I had noticed.

Ashton on the other hand had been out of whack for a while. Always looking over his shoulder when he was out, fiddling around nervously and never looking Cal, Mike or I in the eye. Messing up his drumming every time, it was completely unlike him.

When I decided to approach him about it, he freaked.

"It's nothing Luke," he had said.

"If you've gotten into drugs or something-"

"It's nothing Luke! For fuck's sake! Leave me alone!"

Ash was not one to lose his temper that quickly.

I called Liv that night to see if she knew what had been going on, if maybe he was just stressed about school or something and she was just as confused as I was.

"I don't know Luke," she told me. "He's been acting weird since August; short temper...he even yelled at Harry for bumping into him yesterday...I really don't know what's up with him, but he's getting out of hand."

"I've never seen him like this-wait he yelled at Harry?"

"Yeah, he was like I've never seen him. Almost a totally different person."

After she had hung up, I'd decided it was time to get the others together and discuss Ashton.

"He's not himself...I mean, Ash never missed a beat a month ago, now he's all over the place," Calum had addressed. Michael was the next to speak.

"Maybe he caught Luke fucking his little sis," to which Calum pushed him off the bed and I flipped him off.

"This is serious Michael."

That was a week before Halloween.

It was weird, Halloween came around and Ash seemed almost himself again. He was playing to his normal standards again and didn't try and shove his drum sticks down our throats every time one of us stopped to fix something.

After practice I approached him and flung my arm around his shoulders, "It's nice to have you back mate."

"Yeah," he just looked at me and gave me a stiff smile.

The next day at school I had noticed Liv wasn't by her locker so I shot her a text.

L- Hey, where are ya?

Sure, that was weird, but I really didn't think anything of it, until at lunch Mike told me that Ash hadn't texted him back either.

I went to her house after school to see if Ann knew why neither of them were at school that day, and there were police.

I pushed through the accumulating crowd and saw their mom looking at two familiar I.D. cards from Norwest.

"Ann...?" I had croaked.

She looked up and broke.

Ash and Liv had gone out for a brother/sister movie date last night but hadn't come home. Ann waited up all night for them to come home and when they didn't, she called the police.

A few hours later they'd found Ashton's car a few miles out of town, the windows were smashed, the car was dented and worst of all, there was blood on the seats. They were still testing it, but as soon as the results came back, Ann told me she would call.

My mom didn't make me go to school the next day, so Cal, Mike and I got together and just sat, waiting for Ann's call. This continued for three days before my phone made any noise.

On the third day, it was a Thursday at 3:17pm, Ann was on the other line.

The blood was a mix of Ash and Liv's and they had found Liv's phone a few miles into the field beside the road, smashed, completely obliterated. As well as marks that looked she had been dragged but was trying to get back to her phone. Also, about ten feet from that scene was a huge pool of blood, it was Ashton's. The police said it was most likely that he was dead, and there was no telling what condition Liv would be in, if she was still alive.

I had put the phone on speaker so Cal, Mike and my mom could hear Ann. Cal and Mike were expressionless, but I could see tears in their eyes and tears were streaming down my mom's face.

I went mad. Tears stinging my eyes I started screaming. It felt like someone was tearing me apart from the inside out. My heart was pounding as I punched the wall. I stood for a second before collapsing to the ground and sobbing.

The boys just stared at me, completely shocked by my outburst. My mom had started crying harder, a hand clenched over her mouth. My older brothers and my dad came rushing into the room only to stand frozen in the door. I could hear Ann on the other side of the line and she was hysterical.

I was not one to lose my cool, I was quiet. To see me like this was completely out of character. Jack, my brother, came and sat beside me, putting an arm around me.

Michael took my phone from the table.

"Cal and I will be over soon. I think it's best Luke stays away from your house for a little while," he kneeled down in front of me. "They're alive, I can feel it. The police will find them."

He placed my phone on my lap gently and patted me on the back.

Ben offered to drive them over.

Before they left Cal came over and pulled me into a hug. "I feel it too."

After they left Jack took me to my room and when he closed my door I opened my phone and checked my last text from Liv.

Received 31/10/12 10:16pm

Livvy- I love you.


The intensity is real.

Alright guys so, hi, I'm Trish. This is my fourth story on Wattpad and my second, hopefully decent one. I have Alive on hold currently because I did not plan it out so....I lost where I was going with it.

Wish me luck with this one and I hope you enjoy :)

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