Chapter Two

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Luke lay in bed numb, he turned to his bedside clock; 2:30am. Sleep wasn't coming that night. Too much to think about, too much going on inside of his mind.

He sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Sighing he got up and walked over to the window. His mind went back to the night of Halloween, the night Ash and Liv went missing. Ash had been acting seriously shady, but wasn't temperamental so Luke and the other boys had just passed it off as a bad sleep.

"So, you coming to Dylan's party?" He asked Ashton.

"Nah, I'm going out for some "bonding" time with Liv tonight," he had stood there, hood pulled over his hair and hands shoved in his pockets. The bags under his eyes were dark and his eyes were glassy.

A car door had slammed down the road and Luke could've sworn Ashton jumped 6ft in the air. His body was tense and his face had paled.

"You alright?"

"I'm fine."

"You don't look fine-"

"I'm fine Luke."

Maybe Ash really had gotten involved with some crazy drug deal like everyone said, maybe someone was out to get him. But that didn't make any sense, if he had known he was in trouble he wouldn't have gone out alone with Olivia. Ashton was a seriously protective older brother, putting his younger sister in the way of danger would not be something Ash would do.

He leaned his head against the cold glass. Dead. That's what Ann had said. Ash was probably dead and Liv... Luke didn't want to think about what could be happening to her. There was a chance that she would make it out alive and that she would be coming home, but Ash...even if he was alive, with the amount of blood Ann said there was, he was either dead or at death's door.

He pounded his fist gently against the window, a tear slipping down his cheek. It was awful, bloody terrible. He couldn't stop thinking about them when he was awake, and when he did actually get sleep, Ashton and Liv haunted his nightmares, cold and dead.

He sniffed and wiped his face with his hand.

His phone vibrated. He unlocked it and looked at the text.

"What the hell..."

November 2, 2012

East Sydney, Australia

She felt as though someone had taken every ounce of energy in her body, her head pounded and she didn't know where she was.

Hopefully she was at Luke's, had a bit too much to drink the night before.

Then she remembered the events of the past week.

Opening her eyes she looked around, a cheap motel room.

"Ashton?" She called. No one answered. She called again, "Ashton?!"

She tried to move her arm and groaned when she felt pain move through her whole upper body. She felt as though she had been electrocuted...multiple times... "Dear God..."

She heard a door open and she tensed herself for the worst. She knew there was a slight chance it was her brother a rush of fear and adrenaline caused her to sit up and grab the heaviest thing she could find, a phone book. She prepared to throw it at whoever came into the room.

The footsteps approached; 3, 2, 1...she threw the book. The person ducked and screamed.

"Well there goes breakfast." They looked up from picking everything up.


"Don't ever scare me like that again you idiot!"

"I'm sorry alright," he said raising his hands defensively, still trying to clean the orange juice out of the carpet.

"Remind me again why I am here," Olivia asked.

"He saw you, if you hadn't followed me to that damned party you wouldn't be here. But you did, so here we both are."

They both sighed and Olivia flopped down on to the floor next to Ashton. He put an arm around her and kissed the top of her head. "We'll get through this. We could be home in two weeks or..." He trailed off. They both knew what he was going to say; or never again. "I know this isn't ideal but it's the only way we might live through this."

Olivia sighed. It was her own fault she was in the situation she was in. But, she wouldn't have followed Ashton if he hadn't been acting so damn shady.

Her heart broke when she thought of Luke. If she was hurting she couldn't imagine the pain he would be in thinking that she and her brother, one of his best friends, were dead.

"I want to talk to him."


Ok, so I have decided Saturday is my go to day for updating this story, so starting after this update, every update will be on Saturday. No guarantees for this week though as I've just updated today. But, who knows...

This story will contain a lot of plot twists so if you aren't into that sort of confusing shit I don't suggest you read this.

It will also contain violence, trigger warnings(suicide, self harm, stalking, drugs) and murder. If you aren't into that stuff I suggest you stop reading now. I decided to warn you now in chapter two as opposed to warning you right before a really important chapter because the chapters that contain all of that stuff will be very important.

Also, please do not complain about how short these chapters are I do know this and stating obvious things won't do anything but annoy me. They are short for a reason, this story is designed to keep you on your toes and I find that long chapters in stories tend to drone on and become boring. This story will have a multitude of short chapters that create a faster paced, hopefully exciting, story.

With that, I will say adieu.


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