The Audition Chapter 1

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I knew the moment I stepped in front of them that I had to bring it. There was nothing I hated more than knowing they're looking at me and judging me.


What do I have to loose?

Facing the judges Shia put on her brightest smile.

"Good Morning I am Ms. Sprawl. What is your name?" The dance coach asked without even looking up.

Shia was suddenly fuming but kept silent until the judge looked up.

"Shiann Wilson, but feel free to call me Shia." she said.

For a moment it was quiet and then she could here them talking over her resume. Off to the right the doors opened. Shia noticed some guys walking in from the gym area but before she could observe any further Ms. Sprawl asked her some questions.

There was some dancers walking around behind stage and some sitting out in the auditorium to watch for the 'Freshmeat F@$k up's'.

"Do you have your track with you or do you need us to provide music?" by her tone, she sounded bored.

"No, I brought my own."

She walked over to the edge of the stage and handed it to a student.

Once they set the music, Shia walked to the center of the stage.

The music started and everyone stopped what the were doing to watch. She could feel there eye's on her. Her heart rate spiked and she loved this part.

This is what she lived for because she could loose herself in the music. All her problems seemed to just... melt away.

"I can't wait until school is out for the summer."

Jay looked over at his best friend as they sat in gym with their teammates waiting on Coach Le to arrive.

Jay smiled.

"Trent, we just started back."

"I knooow and I feel like my intelligence level is depleting by the minute." Trents tone wasn't lost on Jay.

" Hate being around these idiots who refuse to understand that jock straps don't go on people's head. You're suppose to wear them."

It became obvious to Jay what was truly bothering his friend. Trent was still pissed about the locker room incident from last year.

" You do realize jock straps is a guy version of thongs...but for guys?"

Jay shook his head.

"Are we really having this conversation? "

"What?" Trent looked confused.

"Listen ..what happened last year sucked- "

"Soooo not talking about this right now-" Trent said trying to end the conversation.

"- but dude you have to let that go. " Jay ended in frustration.

"Easy for you to say. YOU weren't the one getting a jock strap shoved on to his head."

" Yea... but this year can be different."

The coach walked.

"Alright you guys, listen up. We will be helping out in the auditorium. There is auditions so make sure to keep quiet.

Grab your belongings we're heading out."

The guys all started to protest

"HEY! I dont RECAll giving you and OPTION. NOW MOVE!!" Coach Le turned and walked away.

As the guys opened the door to enter, the sound of "Chandelier by Sia" blaired through the auditorium.

Jay's eye's latched on to the girl center stage. She raised her hands over her head and started swiftly moving around the stage. Spinning, leaping ,dipping and rolling across the stage.

At the lyrics "I'm holding on for dear life" she became fierce in her movements. Attacking with energy and then flowing in ecstasy.

Jay found himself moving away from the guy's and having a sit looking Shia on stage. He slowly sat down and watched her. Fascinated.

Her lips were parted, caramel skin glowing, eye's closed and hands moving up her body...

Jay felt hypnotized.

Shia was in the zone...

The music stopped abruptly.

" THANK YOU Ms. Wilson, that will be all."

Shia and Jay both snapped out of it at the sound of the dance teacher's voice.

Breathless she stood there and she waited.

They whispered amongst themselves.

After coming to a decision, Ms Sprawl , who looked way in her prime, she fidgeted with the tight bun on her head. She also seemed a bit flush.

"Ms. Wilson we want to thank you for coming. Unfortunately we are looking for something a bit more... calm and graceful."

Shia listened but then the dance coach voice started fading and all she heard was her heart beating fast. She felt the sweat running down her face....or was that tears.

She quickly mumbled a thank you and rushed from the stage.

Trent walked over to Jay and shook him out of his dazed stupor.

"Come on we have to help out."

" Did you see her ? The way she was was amazing."

Trent looked towards the stage where the girl had ran off .

"Yea she was awesome."

Jay got up and followed Trent to the back.

"She was good. I cant believe they rejected her and they didnt even make an exception. You know maybe allow her to dance again. She didnt know what they wanted."

"Ummm technically she's a dancer. She should know what she is getting into before auditioning."

Jay just kept the rest of his thoughts to himself.

As much as he enjoy hanging out with Trent sometimes he is a bit slow on somethings, careless in other things as well. If your not on his level what you think is probably irrelevant.

He has never really had a girlfriend that his mom didnt help him out with and then on top of that he wouldnt understand what it means to actually long to connect with a girl that is willing to except you for who you are and not for who people expect you to be.

Each day after school, he dred going home because his aunt always drills him. Some days are good but others...

'I love her, but I just wish she would let me be me.' he thought to himself.

At dinner she'd want to know what he accomplished today that was so different from yesterday? Did he make any new friends? What homework was he assigned? Did he join any clubs? Why don't he play sports? BLAH BLAH BLAH. ...

He was just so sick of doing what other people wanted. Did any of them think to ask him what he want or what he need?

Jay didnt know how much longer he could continue living this way.

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