The Heart Chapter 2

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Early Saturday morning Shia woke up to the smell of breakfast and her mom singing.

She laid in bed a bit longer going over her audition. She wanted to go back there and tell them that she could do 'Calm and Graceful' but she was bored with that. She needed a change, excitement and if she was honest with herself she was damn proud of her routine yesterday. 

Shia decided she had laid in bef long enough. She got up smiling and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Shia, breakfast is ready!"

Shia's mom moved around the kitchen. The smell of pancakes, grits and sausage filling the house. She set the table and placed the plates down and filled the cups with O.J.

Kindell looked at the clock and anxiously at the table. She was about to yell.

"I'm here, I'm here." She said while pulling her twist up on top of her head into a bun.

"It's about time. Breakfast is about to get cold. "  Her mom put the pans into the sink and started washing them.  Shia sat down at the table and waited for her mom. She picked up the paper in hopes of finding more opportunities. 

Once her mom was finished, she came over, pulled out the chair and sat down.

Shia smiled.

Her mom closed her eyes took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then she looked over at me.

I lifted a brow.


"You look.....happy? "

I shook my head and she just threw her head back and laughed.

"I don't know. Anyways,  let's eat. I'm starving. " Shia and her mom prayed over their breakfast and then ate. They talked about her mom's hair salon. She has the craziest clients that expects her to work miracles on their hair.

" Honey I can't even begin to tell you what Margaret did to her hair. She claim she was straightening it ,when clearly it looks like it caught fire while  she was standing to close to a candle or a fire place." I laughed.

"Momma you wrong."

"No. She wrong.  Bringing that mess to my shop." 

We talked some more and then the topic of my audition came up while helping her put the dishes away.

" was it?" she asked while leaning back against the counter.

I smiled and walked back to my chair and sat down.

"It was great." I said with false enthusiasm.

"They loved my form and my resume was VERY expressive except they are searching for someone a little more passionless."

"Aww baby don't mind them." she came over and hugged me.

I hugged her back. She pulled back a bit and lifted my chin.

" Don't give up. Shia baby, you have a gift and if they can't appreciate it then where one door closes another one will open. You hear me?" I smiled at her.

" Yes ma'am. "

"Good. You need to be getting on to campus. "

" Alright momma. Talk to you later."

I ran to catch the lynx bus. As much as I would love to drive.  I can't read the paper and get my excercise driving.

As I rode the bus, I watched all the people that would come and go. Looked at the beautiful places and parks we would pass. I would also notice the amount of homeless people around these areas as well. It was sad really because I'm sure each and everyone of them had dreams to be someone famous or rich.  Trusted that their dreams would get them far only to stumble along the way and lose that dream.

Finally I reached the University, but decided to stop at the campus coffee shop for a mocha latte.

When Shia walked in, there was only a couple of people in line; so didn't mind waiting.

She noticed them putting some pastries into the glass case. As she browsed, her cell started ringing. She pulled her phone out and checked the ID, then smiled.

"Good Morning. "

"HEEEEYYY,  Where you at?"

Chardonnay asked while standing in line at the Dollar Store.

"Gurl, I'm on my way to the campus library."

Shia could here her friend smacking loud on the other end and she knews how much Shia hated that.  "OMG Nay-nay, why you gotta be so ghetto early in the damn MORNING?! "

"Cause I can. Wassup?" Rolling her eyes and flipping her weave over her shoulder.

"Anyway, I bummed at the audition yesterday so I'm doing some research and looking at some dance videos for some inspiration."

"Gurl you DON'T need them idiots to tell you you're a good dancer. They wouldn't know a good dancer if you were twerking all over their faces.  I don' told you, Ya DONT need dem." Nay-Nay was looking at the phone as if she was talking directly into Shia's face.

"Umm excuse me are you gonna pay or move the hell out of the way?" an indian customer asked Nay nay rudely.

"UH-UH HELL TO THE MUTHFUCKIN NAH! Who you talking too? Gurl let me let you go. I'm about to lose my shit ANNNND ALL my rights up in dis damn store."

"Bye Nay."

Trent saw Shia come in he wasn't sure why Jay was so drawn. She's just a lady but he noticed her ending her phone call and he wasnt sure what to say to her. Yet he was determined to make conversation.

So instead of making the drinks which was his job he told the trainee to take over while he run he register.

At first she protested but because he was the one in charge of training her, she did as she was told.

He looked over at his reflection in the glass and the breathed into his hand, then thought to himself minty fresh.

He smiled as Shia came up to the counter.

" Good Morning . What can get for you today?"

Shia knew she had already ate but the pastries were looking fresh this morning.

"Let me have a medium Mocha Latte and one apple cheese danish."

Trent smiled. "Okay." while putting together her order he said " Hey I recognize you from yesterday.  You were at the auditions. You're the dancer."

  Shia was surprised and a bit flattered her would remember. Her face heated up a bit.

"Bummer you didn't do so hot. I mean you were good and all, but maybe next time you might want to ask them what it is they are looking for, you know instead of doing your own thing. " he smiled thinking he was doing her a favor.

Shia was actually burning up with a few choice words but simply smiled and asked for the price of her order.

"Oh, its on me. It was really nice meeting you. Come by anytime." 

Shia  quickly walked out and couldn't believe he actually had the nerves to tell her anything about dance as if he knows.  She stopped closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Dont take it personal. Criticism is a part of the business.

Shia told herself not to get mad about stuff like this. Some  people  will never understand the need to express what you feel through movement...

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