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Lotor was nervous.

She didn't know if it was the rigid way in which he was sitting, the fact that he had been completely silent since they'd gotten in the Garrison jeep (being driven by Veronica who had insisted it was no problem), the fact that he was staring straight ahead but not really seeing anything, or their close connection (made closer, she assumed, by their shared bond with the White Lion).

"Relax." The Princess murmured, squeezing his hand, "Everything will be fine. I'm sure the Paladins of Voltron will more than welcome you back."

He looked at her, raising one eyebrow, "How can you be so sure after the way we left things?"

She chuckled, smiling, "Pidge's science that I actually believe, especially with what little you've told me, may be dead on." She said softly. Over a small video chat with the Green Paladin while Lotor had still been in the hospital (at the time busy trying to get to know the mice which was utterly adorable in Allura's opinion), Pidge had explained to Allura her theory of what had happened to Lotor. While the half-Galra had been extremely closed off about what had been going through his mind, the little details that Allura had gotten out of him more or less confirmed the theory in her mind.

He nodded, "And the others trust it?"

She smiled, "I know Shiro does, and if Shiro trusts it Keith will. Lance and Hunk I'm sure will as well." She assured and he nodded.

They hadn't realized the jeep had stopped moving until Veronica opened the door, "Last stop, Galaxy Garrison." She said, smiling at them.

As they climbed out she gave them another smile, "Good luck, let me know if I need to handle my brother." She said and Allura smiled.

"Thank you, I will. Though I don't think he should pose any problems." She said. If she was honest, she was more worried about the non-Paladins that would also be seeing Lotor again - meaning Krolia, Kolivan (why was he invited? She didn't know.), and Romelle.

Her mind stuck on that name. She hadn't thought anything of it when Shiro had rattled them off to her earlier when Lotor had been finalizing his discharge but now...

Something inside her lit like a fire, a protectiveness surging through her like a flash flood, a primal beast daring the Altean to try anything towards Lotor. There was an answering growl in her mind, the White Lion seemingly agreeing with her conclusion of "Try me."

"Is everything alright?" Lotor asked, having noticed her suddenly stiffer posture.

She forced herself to relax, nodding, "Yes. I was just thinking about who all will be there."

Lotor frowned, "It's not just the Paladins?"

Allura chuckled, "Keith tried but his mother is harder to deter than a yalmor on the trail of Faunatonium. And Kolivan is just as stubborn. As far as Romelle, I think she scares Keith."

Lotor chuckled, though looked a bit nervous and like he was trying to imagine Keith being scared of a naive Altean, narrowing his eyes, "I can't see it."

"Me either, Shiro didn't really fill me in on how Romelle got into the meeting. I'm assuming Keith was tired, Hunk asked, Keith told him no so Hunk gave one of his kicked kitten looks and begged him and Keith was just exhausted and said fine." She mused.

Lotor chuckled, "I can see that."

She smiled warmly at him and he returned it.

"Hey love Alteans!" Pidge burst, causing both of them to blush, not having realized that they'd reached the room (and Allura not realizing that she had opened the door, how she didn't know).

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