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Warning ⚠️ there's some foul language in this chapter. A bit more than normal. And maybe some other stuff 😏

Hazels p.o.v

It's been a few days and I have been waking up throwing up so I decided to head to the doctor. I threw on some clothes (outfit in the sidebar) and grabbed my keys and headed to the doctors.

"Miss.Collins." A nurse called and I stood up and followed her to a room. "The doctor will be in shortly." I nodded my head and she walked out.

10 minuets later

"Hello Miss.Collins." My doctor said as he walked in. He asked me what was wrong and I told him how I've been feeling. He kind of looked at me for a moment. "Miss. Collins is there any chance you might be pregnant? Like are you sexually active?" My eyes widened as I realized what he was applying. The last time we used condoms was back in LA.

"I-i am."

"Miss.Collins I really advise you to take pregnancy test here. We will be able to give you prenatal medicine and some more information about pregnancy if you are pregnant." I nodded my head yes and he walked out and came back and handed me a little cup to pee in.

Half an hour later

I left the doctors office as my mind was racing. The doctor told me I'm most likely around 2 months. I made an appointment for an ultrasound, the appointment is in 3 days, meaning I need to tell Harry.

I decided to go grocery shopping. I grabbed the stuff I knew we needed off the top of my head, like milk, toilet paper, eggs, bread, and just some snacks that I wanted. I also bought some stuff to make dinner.

When I was done shopping I headed home. I didn't want to face Harry but he needed to know.

I pulled into the driveway of the huge mansion And saw Harrys car in the driveway. My heart is in my stomach as I grab the grocery bags out of the back and walk to the door. I walk in setting the bags down and talking my shoes off. I put the groceries away, trying to buy myself sometime. Once I had nothing left to do I decided it was time to find him.

I walked up the stairs as slow as possible, dreading what was to come when I reached the top. I walk to the bedroom door that was cracked open enough for me to see that the lights where off.

"Harry..." I whispered as I peaked my head in the doorway. "Are you awake?"

"Mhmm" I heard him croak from across the room. "What do you need baby?"

"I just wanted to talk but if you're tired you can go back to sleep and we can talk tomorrow." I mumbled.

"No baby come here." I heard the raspy voice from the other side of the room state. I walked over to the bed and laid down. Harrys arm wrapped around my body and pulled me into his side and then draped his arm over my waist. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Please... don't flip out. Okay?" I felt Harry's head up and down signaling that he won't flip. Which he probably will. "Harry... I-I'm p-pregnant." I just managed to stutter out. A silence falls between the two of us. Silent enough to hear a pin drop. As I was about to speak to break the awkward silence, Harry's lips where slammed onto mine. His soft lips moved on mine while I felt fireworks throughout my body. Soon after the fireworks appeared they disappeared as Harry lifted his lips off of mine and turned over so his back was facing me. Silence set back in and I realized Harry didn't say anything. He just kissed me and went back to sleep. I felt tears build up in my eyes.

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