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Author: Wow literally everyone came on
Imthepresident: well I was going to come on anyways but still
Lookatmyson: so what's this about Author?
Author: WE GOT OUR FIRST QUESTION!!!!!! Actually questions
havemercyonmysoul: *fanboys*
Imthepresidentsbestfriend: from Who?
Author:I'll just put the whole thing
Imthepresident: okie 🤗

From imissbeingatree_
I got some questions for Alexander; who is your favorite out of the hamilsqaud? And which is your favorite out of the Schuler sister's?

Also a question for burr; if you weren't running for president, would you vote for Thomas?

K that's all

Inkyfeather: aww I didn't get a question 😯
Lovemeordie: me neither
Lookatmyson: I can't pick favorite from my friends cuz I love dem all the same as for the sister's? hmmmm, Peggy. She's fun to hang around with.
Thefrenchestfry: awww I love you too mon ami 😄
Preciousbean101: I feel lonely
Imnotyourson: (hugs him)
Preciousbean101: yay
Saltshaker: well I probably wouldn't cuz Thomas is an ass
Herecomesthegeneral: AARON!!!
lookatmyson: AGREED
turtleking: lol I knew I could trust u Aaron XD
Author: well that wraps up this chapter I'll see you in the next one say bye everyone
(Everyone says bye and leaves cuz I'm too lazy to type all of this again and I'm thinking of not adding the sister's because of how well my book has been doing without them and I would be weired to add them all of the sudden so bye and have a great day/night.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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