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I wake up to the sound of my alarm and I get ready for the first day of vocal competition season. Our school is the second best vocal group in the state.

The first... our arch rivals, Palaye Prep, they're a rich school and well they put alot of money into their music program.

My school... Holland High, well we're not the richest school but we do have money. They mostly put it towards sports, and then the money left over is for the music program. We have to get our own costumes, which are always tee shirts with our logo, some blue skinny jeans, and a pair of white converse.

While Palaye Prep has suits for the men, and beautiful red and black long Satin dresses for the ladies.

As I pull out my outfit for today, I play some sleeping with sirens mixed with some Billie Eilish. I picked out a pair of blue fringey ripped skinny jeans, a black fitting shirt; that shows some skin, then a black and white flannel, with my black Hightop converse.

I kept my, long platinum blonde, thin straight, hair down.

I put just a dash of mascara on and some nude matte lipstick, then I slid my glasses on my face.

(An: she has Remington's type of glasses)

The glasses didn't really allow people to see my Andy Biersack eyes. A lot of the good choir kids say that my eyes are literally the same as his, and I enjoy the joy that it brings to me.

I grab my old my chemical romance backpack and head downstairs. As I walk past my oldest brothers room, Milo, he does the one thing, a kid like me hates. "DING, DING, DING" In the tune of welcome to the black parade.

I look back at him, "Milo, I didn't do anything to you today, I don't deserve that at such an early morning." I said, with my fists at my side.

"WHEN I WAS A YOUNG BOY!" Milo yelled.

I ran downstairs, "MOM! MILO G-NOTED ME!" I yelled, going to my super cool mom.

My mom was Ash from New Years Day. She adopted me, Milo, and Miles, and Milo and Miles aren't my actual brothers. Milo is the youngest of those two, and Miles is already in college, being a sophomore. Me, well I'm a Senior in high school. Milo is taking at home classes and he's a freshman.


I went into the kitchen and saw that mom has Chris Motionless over. "Hey Chris, when did you get here?" I asked, grabbing the small jar of nutella I always hide.

"Um, before you were awake. I'll be taking you to school today, since you'll be competing around this time. I wanted to spend time with my besty." Chris said, ruffling up my hair.

"Whoa I thought I was your best friend?" Milo said, just walking into the kitchen.

"Not if you're going to g-note your sister." Chris said

Milo rolled his eyes and Chris chuckled. "Okay, let's get to school. Ash, Milo, I will see you guys later." Chris said giving them both a hug, and then he walked out with me.

Compared to Chris, I am very, very short. But yet, he still gives really good piggy back rides.


I got to school and saw all the other choirs visiting our school for the first round of the competition. As I look around, I see THE Remington Leith. Him and his brothers are the star students of vocal, art, and band. Remington's in vocal, his older brother, Sebastian, is in band, and then his youngest brother, Emerson, is in art.

Remington is like me, but he gets all the girls attention. Every girl from my school, his school, any school that comes to this competition, has a crush on him. Me, well I don't. He's okay, but he's like really stuck up and only thinks of himself.

Plus, I'm not really ready for somebody else to put my needs before theirs. None of the boys like me at my school, and if they tell me they want a date, that only means that they want a quick fuck. Yeah, I'm still a virgin...

I only have one friend and that is, Luna, she and I always fangirl over every band we listen to. That would be... sleeping with sirens, panic at the disco, black veil brides, waterparks, and all time low. We mostly talk about waterparks and how cute awsten's laugh is, but that's really it.

She has the biggest crush on Emerson, and trust me, she won't shut up about him. Rumor has it that Emerson doesn't shut up about her. The only person that could tell us that is Sebastian. So we fully don't know yet.

"Dusty! EMERSON IS TALKING ABOUT ME!" Luna said to me when I walked up to her, at our outside table.

"You're kidding right?" I asked, stopping with my backpack falling off my right shoulder.

"Nope, Sebastian came up to me today and told me to my face." Luna answered, brightly smiling with her head tilted and eyes closed.

"I'm proud for you, but you know the rule that Seb put up." I sais, sitting down and slinging my backpack off my shoulder and to the floor.

"I know, Emerson knows too, but Sebastian's letting it slide for us. He knows that Emerson needs somebody like me to cheer him up." Luna said, pulling out her chemistry homework.

"This is why you're co-captain of the cheerleading team." I said, smiling the slightest.

"Yeah but you're captain, you should have the luck come to you. I'll just tell Emmy that it isn't going to work out."

"No Luna, you deserve Emerson. Don't feel like you can't have the guy you want when I don't have anybody. I'm truly glad for you." I said, brighting up my smile.

Luna smiles back at me and heads over to Emerson. I watch as they smile and laugh at each other's hellos. But I look over and see Remington with his hood up and leaning against a wall. His eyeliner perfect and his style. By now, he doesn't care what his spikes look like, he's able to fix his hair whenever.

Remington is looking through the crowd of Holland High, looking for that one girl that he'll take home and fuck. That's all he gets from our girls.

As Remington sets his eyes on me, he walks over, but gets stopped by his older brother Sebastian. At the same time I feel an arm snake around my left one. I look over and see my older brother, Miles.

He pulls me away, "Why did you let Remington stare at you like that, now he has his eye set on you and you know how mom feels about the Kropp boys." Miles says when he takes me back inside.

"I know, and why are you here? You're supposed to be in college being a college student, doing collegey things." I asked, throwing my hands everywhere.

"Mom told me to come visit you, and also stay away from Remington. All he wants is a quick fuck and then he's off to another girl." Miles warned, gritting his teeth through the last sentence.

Is it bad that I want the bad boy of Palaye Prep, and my mom hates him and his brothers?

But I am just so intrigued by how bad he really is...


Here is a new one and I've also got that Emerson one that I've been promising in morning light. But anyway, I wanted to do another Remmy fic and I thought this would be a good one. I had to think of how to start it because I got it from this one idea I had after school.

Like just imagine sitting on your bed, after you get home from school, and you xall up Remmy, who goes to a different school. Then you both sit on your bed, with Remmy sitting there with his cute ass smile spread across his face, listening to your day, letting you go on and on about all the shitty people you have to deal with.

Yeah I just made you melt

"It always comes back to the coconuts"

-pure Remmy 🐼

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