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The mural is up there and I hope you like it


Dusty and I walked through the old school and then we got to the mural. When Dusty saw it, she had no words at all. She stepped back and put her hands over her mouth, to cover her dropped jaw. I looked at her eyes and they had tears in them, "Remington, this is beautiful." She said, with tears choking her up.

"Yeah, I haven't told anybody about this place. Not even my brothers. Only you know about this place." I told her, picking up a paint brush, to add more detail.

"How long did this take you?" She asked.

"Um, well the last time I saw you was... last year. So over a year." I asnwered.

She went up and inspected it a little bit more. Her hand ran along the rose carefully, and then she came over to me. "This is how I'm different, isn't it?" She asked.

"Yeah, none of the other girls are anywhere in this place. It's only you." I answered.

Dusty looked at me again and then stepped back from me, "what?" I asked.

"I'm not supposed to be falling in love with you. I can't. I just don't trust this." She said, falling to her knees.

I went to her side, but she instantly pushed me away. "Dusty, you don't have to listen to their rules." I begged.

"No Remington, I am supposed to listen to rules. The last time I didn't, I was sent back to foster care." She said, looking up at me with hurt eyes.

"Dusty... Ash would never send you back." I told her, stepping closer carefully.

"Yes, she would," She sniffles, "She doesn't really love me, she just feels bad for me."

At that statement my heart broke. I knew I couldn't comfort her, but I wanted to, "its like you," Dusty looks up at me, "You say I'm different, and you'll just leave me like everyone in my life."

I was instantly down by her side, and I held her tight, "I am not going to ever leave you. Dusty you are the light of my live and if it goes out, I don't know if I'd be able to stay around." I told her, Dusty's hands gripping my hoodie tightly, "Dusty, fuck, or love you so much that it hurts to not be around you."

"But you're going to leave me when I hit an all-time low, and then you'll go find somebody better."

"Dusty! What the fuck are you saying! I will never leave you!" I said, loudly at her.


I held her close and then kissed her. She started to kiss back and dusty's hands played with my hair. I pulled away, "I am never going to leave you dusty. I love you too god damn much to leave you." I softly told her.

I brushed her hair out of her face and smiled at her. "I still don't believe you Remington." Dusty quietly said brushing her hand through my spikes.

"I would show you, but not here. But Dusty I want to show you that I love you."


Imagine If We Were Angels// Remington Leith Where stories live. Discover now