12. Square one

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Was going through my camera roll and I just really appreciate this photo of a nun using a gun as a microphone. It's iconic, but I mean everything these girls do is iconic so...
I wish I could share more than one because this group has filled my camera roll. Tbh the only group I'm gay for.

Third person POV
"Well what do we do? Huh? Send her back into a pack she hates where she is basically an experiment?" Esther paced around the office where Jeremy sat behind a desk.
"We have to. It's not our choice Esther."
"She trusted me Jer, she trusted me and I lied to her face." She sat down in the chair watching Jeremy sort through papers, "you don't even want to think about it? This is her life!"
"And her life could solve a lot for our world. Maybe she could become something more, something big." He didn't make eye contact with the fuming Beta, keeping focused on sorting files and medical documents.
"Oh please, this world doesn't want to change, that'll erupt in a whole new war, they'll test on her, find out everything they want to and then kill her. Just like the Nekos." She went back to pacing.
"The Neko war has nothing to do with a Class. Maybe the Class C will be added to the scale."
"Jeremy they tried adding Nekos into the scale, but they were different and government got scared, now Nekos are outcasts and looked down on." She stopped pacing causing Jeremy to look up, making eye contact, "do you know they want to make a law where you can kill a Neko on the spot if you see one? Gosh we are turning into animals."
Esther's walkie talkie soon buzzed and a soft mumbled voice rang through, "Esther?"
She glared at Jeremy slightly before turning on her heel while speaking into the walkie talkie, "I'm on my way Kirst."
She entered the room where the Omega sat on the small bed, cowering into the wall like when she first arrived, "did Kevin really know I was an excitement? And Mitch?"
"Uh, I think you really need to talk to Kevin, yes those were his initial plans, but he could've changed his mind. Heard you guys got pretty close, I think he likes you, he wouldn't hurt you."
"You don't know that, he's just another Alpha. Obsessed with helping the government and having the best pack."
Esther slowly sat on the chair in the opposite side of the room, "you know, we've had Omegas work here before, nursing and caring for the new Omegas."
"I don't want to work here, I'm leaving soon, Kevin will come looking, and I don't want him to find me."
Esther sighed looking at the stubborn girl, "we can't let you leave Kirstin. I'm sorry, it's for your own safety."
"Like you can stop me, you aren't like that."
Esther stood and walked towards the door before turning to give an apologetic look, Kirstin's eyes widened before she ran towards the door, being to slow it closed in her face and a click was heard, "Esther! Please!" She tugged on the door knob only to heat the clank of metal.

Sorry. I'm challenging my french 10-1 so I've been busy. Idk where this story is going.

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